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Old 07-04-2014, 01:42 AM
Ruinily Ruinily is offline
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Ruinily is on a distinguished road

I think its been around since 2011? Its v1.3.2. Lol I dont think I can really change anything much without it breaking... its a bizarre and unique blend of all sorts of coding now and it'd take anyone a while to wrap their heads around it I think... If I wanted to upgrade it I'd basically have to start over from scratch. -.-' And I know I'd break it so many times... it took me months of broken coding just to get up this version I have... And a lot of what I've seen goes away from editing stuff at the basic level and moves it all into somewhere else that almost just gives options... delegation annoys me, even if it is more convenient and effective... and I really dont want all the fancy stuff like drop down menus that annoy me on every webpage because I always misclick with them, or they dont load fast enough and then glitch around like they're trying to dodge me. D: I like things simple and reliable, and that I can edit from the ground up. I used to be fine with basic CSS coding, and I'm great with html, and even sometimes javascript, but once OOP moved in I lost it. ^_^' Isura was stuck on the same coding so she knew her way around it, and we were kind of helping each other. She actually made a great battle system on her own site, and was making a similar one for mine. It was nice and simple, it was working more on originality than copying pokemon lol. You even had to go and explore her world to learn new attacks. I was the beta tester. ^_^ And just to prove it I have some of the old urls still on this browser... '' It was amazing to say she programmed it all herself, you charged up attacks that then attacked for however much the charge was, or you put it all into defense, you could increase or decrease stats with consumable items,(though mine was going to have weapons too) and even choose what attacks to teach/buy your pets. And there was player vrs player, AND player vrs npcs/characters, I've got some of the bosses already drawn up... I really wish I pushed her more into getting it on mine now. -.-' I've got a sort of half way working battle system already, I think, I just checked and I have the database mostly set up, and even a leading in front page before you go into the fight... So I think its just the main battle page that I'm missing. -.-' And the pages where you teach your pet attacks... Mine were going to be guild based pages,(ex:you need to be in the fire guild to learn fire attacks, or something like that). So its mostly just recalling the values and making some working front end pages, unfortunately thats the bit I have no idea about. >.<' If anyones brave enough to attempt to finish it they're welcome to the battle system. :P Though theres not much of it up, I dont know if its even possible to recreate it with the tiny bit I have... Though impressively for me I've got to grips with importing my map to my site! I just need to finish the big move. ^_^ Then its the lottery system next, (Or the mini pet capture system, but I can do that by myself, I hope lol) my main problem with that I think is stopping people having access to a ton of items/creatures/gems by refreshing the page... Though I can probably find a work around lol. Its mainly the battle system I wish I could get finished, and then any other features I fancy, like that sort of alchemy/crafting system I've seen on here for newer versions...

Thanks Kyttias, I tried using her name and her email, but it didnt turn up anything I think...Its like shes disappeared without any warning. O.o I havent seen anywhere that shes been on in a few months... I'm kind of worried about her. :/ She was so passionate about her site, she even got a lawyer to help sort out some German laws on it to make sure it wouldnt get shut down, I dont know what could have stopped her... And she hasnt replied to any emails for months...

Chocolate butterfly cat pudding. o.o

And since even the programming on this forum doesnt like me anymore heres my sites address. XD
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