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Old 07-02-2014, 10:22 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Default Bootstrap [AdminCP version]

Works for sure with: Mysidia v1.3.4
Download: [link]

Step 1: (As it is always important to back up your files, do that FIRST. In your templates folder, rename the "acp" folder into "old_acp". You'll always be able to delete this modification and rename this folder back to "acp" to restore the original files.) Put in the new "acp" folder.

Step 2: (In your class folder, rename "class_adminsidebar.php" to "old_adminsidebar.php", so you have a backup.) Put in the new copy of "class_adminsidebar.php". (*The only modification I made to this file was to add line breaks after every link in the drop downs.)

Optional: In the new "templates/acp/media" folder, replace the "bootstrap.min.css" file with your preferred Bootstrap theme's css file, or, in "templates/acp/header.tpl" replace the link to "bootstrap.min.css" to a copy hosted elsewhere online, via CDN.

There are some bugs that are beyond my control without digging into the individual page's files and changing how the text is rendered (to add in an actual h2/h3 header here, a line break there, etc). When in doubt, compare it to the original copy of the AdminCP as far as 'visual bugs' go. (Note the two "Alternative Outcomes" headers on the Create New Adoptables page - this exists in the original version as well. Also note how the very first "Create a New Adoptable:" header is smaller than the "Basic Information" header. This is because the latter is actually wrapped in a header tag and the former is just bolded and underlined. Bootstrap touches things wrapped in actual header tags, and I don't want to modify -all- the admin files to weed out incompatible design choices.)
On the plus side, jQuery is now included in the ACP's template folder rather than being pointed toward's Google's CDN - meaning the sidebar links will now actually work if you're working in a local environment (WAMP/XAMP/LAMP, etc) and there is no internet connection. I was always wondering why I could never use the AdminCP when I had no internet connection locally, and then I saw the only copy of jQuery being referenced was one online, not one stored inside of Mysidia's own files.

Also updated the copyright to 2014. ovo~
What's next?
This is version 1/a beta version. When the next version of Mysidia launches, I'll happily make any necessary modifications.

I'm considering making it more mobile-friendly, in that, it's not currently. When the page gets too small the long sidebar menu just takes a figurative mile on top of the content. I'll probably make a button on the header that the sidebar will collapse down into when it's on a smaller display.

More suggestions/bug reports welcome.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 07-02-2014 at 10:26 AM.
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