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Old 02-03-2013, 09:37 PM
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kristhasirah kristhasirah is offline
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Default Small problem with shops.php

is a small problem, probably no one will notice it, if they dont use the gender ratio mod made by HoF, but i use it, and i always make 2 adopts of the same pokepony in order to use the alternate as the shiny version, so the first one is always set to 100(female) and the second to 0(male)
but the shop don't care about that, it just gives them random genders, i noticed this with the 2 adopts i added to the shop: Nidoran M and Nidoran F and when i buy a Nidoran M it turns to be Female or Male, when i made it to be always male, same whit Nidoran F, i have to enter in the msql to fix the genders. I don't know if there's a way to include the Gender Ratio mod in the Shop.php or not, but for now i have created a separate "adoptmarket" using the code of the adopt.php page (it was a pain for me to edit it to meet what i wanted the page to look >_>).

i just wanted to point out that, in case someone else is using the Gender ratio mod, and uses a similar way of creating the adopts.

also another question: in the old script we where able to use this link: "doadopt.php?id=xxx&name=&promocode=none&Submit=Ad opt+Me" to create shops or special adopt pages. I know i can't use it, i only get a invalid id error message, that's why im asking if there's a way to edit it and use it in the new script??

sorry if i don't make sense, like i always say, english is not my native language >_>
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