Thread: VPS
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Old 12-05-2012, 03:57 AM
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you got a vps right ?
and cpanel on it ( cpanel optimised )

if you want to change nameservers you can do that on 2 ways

first way is with the cpanel setup , there you can select the main nameservers that will be assigned to all new accounts ( whm )

second way and easy'st way to change nameservers is by using the dns tool

in whm ( port 2086 ) you can go to the dns settings

there you add a new A record

fill in the ip adress you like to use of the nameservers and fill in the following information

A record
server ip
it explains itself on that page

after that is done , you can use those nameservers at your domain registrar and it will work

if it is your only domain , then it need to be done a little differend

in your domain provider you got a option to assign ip's to subdomains
fill in the server ip and the nameservers name ( the subdomain like ns1 )
after the dns is updated from your registrar then it will work and are you able to assign them to your server

please note , you still need to add the A record into the dns settings or the server can not resolve your ip and it can refuse to work ( just like webpage not found .. )

hopely this can help you
Greetings From PowerChaos
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