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Old 11-27-2012, 02:57 AM
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AlexC AlexC is offline
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Alright, its 4:30 at night (yay for insomnia... *weak enthusiasm*) so excuse me if I miss like, a thousand things, but here if what I can suggest off the top of my head while browsing the acp... keep in mind I haven't tested the new version yet, some things may be added/fixed in it.

- ability to customize the sidebar? we can customize the linkbar to our hearts content, but I know firsthand how frustrating it is to go into the functions.php and find that one line if it's a little off... I don't know how you would do it, but if we could change what links to include, if its horizontal or vertical based upon layout, stuff like that, it would be lovely. I'm fine (and so are many people) at editing it as it is now, but for people new to programing, it would certainly make things a little easier.

- ability to edit css/html files directly from the acp. (and that the template upload thing actually works, it never has for me) I believe this one is planned, but I just want to remind everyone.

- ability to message all members and/or staff. Newsletter anyone? Urgent/sorry mail you've got to tell everyone? This would be so useful.

- customizable adoptable term. The site automatically says "adoptable" everywhere, but for those of us who have a single term or animal (rat, for me as an example), it'd be sweet if we could go through and change this as we can change the cash name. You could just do four fields that say for example... singular regular, singular capitalized (for start of sentences), plural regular, plural capitalized. (so rat, Rat, rats, Rats as an example for answers)

- Replace/Edit an image instead of delete it on the image management page. I stopped using the ACP image system because it was so annoying if I wanted to change anything. Afterall, doesn't the page say edit AND delete, not just delete? On a related note...

- sort images? maybe when uploading, you could select if an image had a "parent" image, so when you were going through the list to select, it goes something like this;

egg image
- first stage
- second stage
- third stage
egg image
- first stage
- second stage
- third stage

this might cut down on some of the clutter, help organize (this could even run on the edit image page).

BONUS IDEA: different image sets for items vs pets? So if you have like, a hundred pet images and fifty item images, they aren't showing up together. You could select on the upload page whether an image was an "item" or "pet" image. This means when you make an item or shop, only item images show up and you only have 50, instead of a 150.

- ability to customize gender based images if desired (but still allow alternate images).

- wasn't there plans to allow for multiple alternates at some point too?

- to add onto bonus page features, it'd be neat if when you visited the page for the first time, you got an item or a pet or something, so you could do giveaways or something. You could combine this with the new features just added - say you have a riddle page, and you enter the answer to a limited view page as a password, and if you get it right, it unlocks and you get your prize?

- ability to add our own item functions, though this would be as hard as hell to program, I imagine.

- have an automated and manual changelog for staff members? say you edit a page to update the news or something, you could then decide to click a button that says "apply change to changelog" and then it will appear on this log as "[username] edited [page name] on [date]" or if you created a new adoptable it could say something like "[username] created [adoptable name] on [date]". you could even do "requested changes" so the staff could assign things that need to be done. "create christmas adoptable", "update [page] to include [info]". just a random idea I suddenly had.

I can't think of anything else right now. I guess the main thing we should focus on is allowing our members to completely or almost completely edit the site without having to access the code. This will be a huge bonus point for us over time and will cut down on the number of issues receive.

ALSO: can you please let me or someone else go through and edit the acp to actually look like an acp and not just a bunch of links? because seriously, the whole acp and the whole site in general, everything automated could use a good page rearranging and stuff, to look more professional and stuff. I am totally willing to do this, I love organizing.

Last edited by AlexC; 11-27-2012 at 02:59 AM.
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