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Old 01-17-2009, 02:44 PM
agnyz agnyz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 31
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Default RE: when you have time i need a little help.

the dollar sign is just in as text and not coding, the script is still the orginal script, i modify scripts all the time and am very carful about these things.

here are the levels.

Level 1: 10

Level 2: 20

Level 3: 50

Level 4: 100

Level 5: 250

Level 6: 500

Level 7: 750

Level 8: 1000[hr]
Here is the origanl code and my modified version

//Begin our content output...
$article_content=$article_content."<p align='center'><b><u>".$name.":</u></b></p>
<p align='center'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></p>
<b>Current level of ".$name.": ".$currentlevel."<br></b><b>Total clicks on ".$name.": ".$totalclicks."<br></b>
<b>Clicks needed until LevelUP ".$name.": ".$neededclicks."<br></b><br>

//Begin our content output...
$article_content=$article_content."<p align='center'><b><u>".$name.":</u></b></p>
<p align='center'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></p>
<b>Clothing removed so far for from ".$name.": ".$currentlevel."<br></b><b>Dollars earned so far ".$name.": $".$totalclicks."<br></b>
<b>Dollars needed for ".$name." to strip next: $".$neededclicks."<br></b><br>
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