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Old 03-18-2012, 07:58 PM
Chibi_Chicken Chibi_Chicken is offline
Niwatori Kami
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 63
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Chibi_Chicken is on a distinguished road

So I have started with a fresh install of myBB 1.6.6 and Mysidia 1.3.0
I put myBB in root/forum and Mysidia in root/mys130

I made the changes to the config_forum.php

Now when I am on the forums I can still create a new account.
When I jump to the mysidia registration page I can create a new accout. The info is created to both databases.

I can log in to both sites however when I log in to one it doesnt show up in the other.

When logged in to the mysidia portion of the site I can change my email and the effects take place on the adopt db but not the forum db. I can not seem to change my password.
When i go to the forum user CP I can change my password. The new password only works for the forum login but not the mysidia login.

Also on the mysidia site I can not view my profile I get:
( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\wamp\www\mys130\profile.php on line 18
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0011 456936 {main}( ) ..\profile.php:0

( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\mys130\inc\tabs.php on line 20
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0011 456936 {main}( ) ..\profile.php:0

When I try to jump to the forum from the mysidia top tabs I get
Not Found

The requested URL /mys130/forum.php was not found on this server.

My main question is how do I set up the two software so it can reconizie that I have logged in to the forum login and dont need to do it in the mysidia site or vice versa. I am guessing it is the cookies but I am not sure.

Oh and I am useing wamp
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