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Old 05-29-2011, 03:58 PM
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Nemesis Nemesis is offline
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"Is it possible so that on the adopt page, you click on the adoptable you want to adopt, and THEN get taken to a new page where you can then name and adopt it?
like this:
So you click on the pet you want to adopt, and Then go to a page where you name it and actually adopt it."

I am sorta confused, doesn't the script already do that?

"Would I also be able to have certain adoptables on certain pages, like in a 'shop'?"

you could use the promo codes and have them buy those at shops.

"How can I also put an image on my home page under the title,
When i try it doesn't seem to come up."

I can probably do that easy however my clients come first and right now i need to tend to their needs.

Good luck
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