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Old 01-27-2011, 01:10 AM
ShedoSurashu ShedoSurashu is offline
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Default Custom names for each level?

Hi there! This is my first post here. I just got to know about the Mysidia Adoptables script. Over the course of tinkering with the system, I found out that it names for each pet is fixed in such a way as, it doesn't change every level. How can I make it so that each level has it's own name?

Base Egg Form = Chymera Egg
1st Level = Chymera
2nd Level = Chymeron
3rd Level = Chymeras

Aside from that, I know that users can name their pets if they want to so as an additional question, how do I make it so that the pets have names for each level but if the user who adopted the pet named it, even if it changes level, it won't change it's name.

I hope the way I explained it was clear. If you don't understand part of my post please do tell and I'll try to elaborate some more...
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