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Old 01-18-2011, 10:58 AM
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elfhome elfhome is offline
Bella's Personal Maid
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: In the land of Bird Dander...
Posts: 125
Gender: Female
Credits: 11,917
Talking Elfhome here! I've flown back in!

I believe in the past I did post once or twice but I doubt you'll remember me. I love birds. I love birds a LOT - so much in fact that I have two of the most spoiled birds around! I ended up making two adoptables sites - one geared towards providing simple fun and a variety of birds from around the world and one is parrots with a few popular pet birds tossed in. This was made mainly for the bird boards I am a member of.

Most of my questions will be about the main site I am working on: Birdie Landing
Most of my skills revolve around Flash and a little html so this is rather new to me.

I'd love to finish my site because I have so much art finished but not actually uploaded. However, school starts soon and I intend to get all As if possible. I had a good GPA when I got my Bachelor's in Animation and I intend to do my best studying to be a Med Tech. Chances of free time this semester: near zero.
Makin' time for makin' free art.
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