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Old 01-16-2011, 09:27 AM
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Wink The Ocean Trench (Fish Roleplay)

For ages the underwater land of Mer has recided in peace and prosperity. Now, though, the dark beings from the Ocean Trench threaten to destroy the gentle society as they nearly succeeded in doing an eternity ago. To save their homeland a group of young fish are training to obtain the ancient powers that the Ancients used to succumb the darkness to the Ocean Trench. Now, my friends, I ask you a question. Who wishes to be one of our saviors?


Each person my have two characters.

When typing OOC (Out of Character) please type in brackets- "[Like this. xD]"

Type at least 100 characters per reply. It keeps the roleplay moving.

PM me the below form so I can approve your character. Thank joo!

Character Name:

Character Gender:

Character Age (Please keep this realistic):

*Fish Species (You may use eels, rays, etc.):

Personality Description:

Background (optional):


You are not limited to fish that reside in a certain place. ANY species of fish is acceptable.

For example, here's my form-

Character Name: Choque

Character Gender: Female

Character Age (Please keep this realistic): 6 years

Fish Species (You may use eels, rays, etc.): Electrophorus electricus (Electric Eel)

Personality Description: She's very easy going and doesn't fit in with most people, though she can be quite talkative when you get to know her. Startling her is a bad idea, seeing that she's an ELECTRIC eel and she shocks when taken by surprise. She'll defend her friends with her life if needbe.

Background (optional): She's had a very solitary life and most tend to be afraid of her. There's not much more to say. Her life hasn't been bad or tortured, just lonely.

Other: Omnomnom.
And the Alo screams, "OMNOMNOMNOM. I like joo!"

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