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Old 05-21-2010, 04:04 AM
Skullette Skullette is offline
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Default RE: Giving pets a Gender

Originally Posted by Arianna
It's nice that you asked. I was having a problem, as some pets had 'gender' alts. Basically, it meant that it was the alt image, it was female, if not, it was male. Just add a field called 'malefemale', and then it checks. If it's value is 'onlyfemale', automatically set 'gender' to 'Female'. If it is 'onlymale', set 'gender' to 'Male'. If it is blank, set 'gender' using the random code. Do you get it?
I had the same question, and I don't really understand your answer. :( I just came into the PHP stuff, so I don't understand as much as others on here would. ^^;
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