do not joke hof it is not fixed that system username is still bugging me so help me out i can show the screenshot and here is my register validation
PHP Code:
class RegisterValidator extends UserValidator{
// The register validator for user and usergroup system
public function __construct(User $user, $value = array(), $action = ""){
parent::__construct($user, $value, $action);
public function validate($action = "", $data = ""){
// The core method validate, it acts like a controller and sends requests to different private methods based on the action
$validarray = array("username", "password", "email", "birthday", "ip", "tos", "answer");
// For RegisterValidator, the validator methods will be executed all at once
foreach($this->value as $key => $var){
$method = "{$key}validate";
if(in_array($key, $validarray)) $this->$method($var);
else throw new Exception('Validation action invalid...');
if(!empty($this->error)) return FALSE;
protected function usernamevalidate($username = ""){
// The username validator, note its a bit complicate here due to the different mechanism of username check for register and other validators
$lang = Registry::get("lang");
$this->seterror("The field Username is Empty.");
return FALSE;
if($username == "SYSTEM"){
$this->seterror("Cannot use SYSTEM as username.");
return FALSE;
$username = (empty($username))?$this->value['username']:$username;
$userexist = $this->datavalidate("users", array("username"), "username = '{$username}'");
if($userexist == TRUE){
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
protected function passwordvalidate($password = ""){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$this->seterror("The field Password is empty.");
return FALSE;
$this->seterror("The field Confirmed Password is Empty.");
elseif(!$this->matchvalidate($this->value['password'], $mysidia->input->post("pass2"))){
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
protected function emailvalidate($email = ""){
$lang = Registry::get("lang");
$email = (empty($email))?$this->value['email']:$email;
$regex = '/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i';
if(!$this->matchvalidate($regex, $email, "preg_match")){
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
protected function birthdayvalidate($birthday = ""){
$lang = Registry::get("lang");
$this->seterror($lang->birthday, TRUE);
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
protected function answervalidate($answer = ""){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
if(!$this->matchvalidate($this->value['answer'], $mysidia->settings->securityanswer)){
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
protected function tosvalidate($tos = ""){
$lang = Registry::get("lang");
$tos = (empty($tos))?$this->value['tos']:$tos;
if($tos != "yes"){
return FALSE;
else return TRUE;