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zoe 05-09-2015 12:49 PM

/login page not found.
Hi everyone!

Straight to the point: my page cannot find any page that isn't the index page.

I don't understand what's happening. I've tried modifying my .htaccess file*, uninstalling then reinstalling Mysidia, as well as MAMP. No pages can be found other than the index on OR in localhost. All URLs are clean, no .php in the end or anything of the sort.

(*I DO have a rewrite_module, and it IS on. If you're a MAMP user and your Mysidia is working fine, please tell me what modules you have off. I found it a bit weird that most of my Apache modules in MAMP were on, while in Kyttias' tutorial a lot were off.)

Kyttias 05-09-2015 01:28 PM

In your inc/config.php are you using 'localhost' or ''? I know it says you can't find any pages using either, but simply changing the url in your browser to check won't change the settings internally -- they're not quite the same thing, afterall. I don't understand all the ways MAMP differs from WAMP, nor do I understand Macs at all. But you might want to try setting up what's called 'Virtual Hosts' rather than using MAMP out of the box. Basically, it'll definitely make it so you can host more than one site, and in changing these settings, it might help things route correctly?? Here's a tutorial. Don't forget to make changes in Mysidia's inc/config.php file to reflect the psuedo-url you make for your site.

zoe 05-10-2015 10:23 AM

Hi Kyttias! Sorry for such a late reply.

I'm using localhost. I tried using a VirtualHost, but I kept getting the same problems (not finding any page that isn't /index)! What else do you think I could do?

Kyttias 05-10-2015 01:11 PM

At this point, I don't understand, either. It definitely sounds like the .htaccess file is being ignored. All I can do is suggest googling at this point. This is the best result?

zoe 05-10-2015 02:37 PM

I see! Thank you for your replies anyway. Ill mess around with my .htaccess file a bit more and if everything starts working alright again I'll come back to this thread.

Kyttias 05-10-2015 03:38 PM

There should be anything wrong with the default .htaccess file itself and it should not be modified, or, better put - absolutely nothing should be removed or changed. Additions would be fine. So long as it's still ".htaccess" and not ".htaccess.txt" or some other file extension, it should be working from a fresh install. It's clearly something to do with the MAMP settings and only trying solutions found while googling for when MAMP ignores htaccess files will help.

zoe 05-10-2015 04:01 PM

Of course :veeee: I always back up all my files before adding anything anyway. :BIGO:

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