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Hedgen 03-03-2013 12:29 AM

I figured out moving the login box. This is my edited class_page.php code:

  Spoiler: class_page.php code 
PHP Code:


class Page{
// The page class for Mysidia Adoptables
public $type;
$title "";
$content "";
$date "";

  public function 
// The initialization of this script
$this->links =(defined("SUBDIR") and SUBDIR == "AdminCP")?$this->getadmlinks():$this->getlinks();
$this->sidebar $this->getsidebar();
$this->ads =(defined("SUBDIR") and SUBDIR == "AdminCP")?"":$this->getads("any");
$this->credits $this->getcredits();
  public function 
$this->title)) throw new Exception('The page has no title.');
  public function 
$title)) throw new Exception('Cannot set title for this page.');
$this->title $title;
  public function 
$this->title)) throw new Exception('The page has no content.');
  public function 
addcontent($content$overwrite FALSE){
$this->content) or $overwrite == TRUE$this->content $content;
$this->content .= $content;
  public function 
// This method retrieve page info from database, if the page is a custom page created by admins
global $mysidia;
$pageinfo $mysidia->db->select("content", array(), "page ='{$name}'")->fetchObject();
is_object($pageinfo)) throw new InvalidIDException('Cannot find page {$name} in database.');
$this->type "Custom";
$this->name $name;
$this->title stripslashes($pageinfo->title);
$this->content stripslashes($pageinfo->content);
$this->date $pageinfo->date;
$this->code $pageinfo->code;     
$this->item $pageinfo->item;
$this->time $pageinfo->time;
$this->group $pageinfo->group;

  private function 
// A promocode has been entered, now process the request.
if($this->code != $mysidia->input->post("code")) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->wrongcode);     
$promo = new Promocode($mysidia->input->post("code"));
$promo->pid == or !$promo->validate($mysidia->input->post("code"))) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->nocode);          
// Now execute the action of using this promocode.
if(!$mysidia->input->post("item")) $promo->execute();
// Show a basic form for user to enter promocode.
$promoform "<br><form name='form1' method='post' action='pages.php?page={$this->name}'><p>Your Promo Code: 
                         <input name='code' type='text' id='code'></p>
                         <p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Enter Code'></p></form>"
$this->title $mysidia->lang->code_title;
$this->content $mysidia->lang->code.$promoform;
// An item has been selected, now process the request.
if($mysidia->input->post("item") != $this->item) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->wrongitem);
$item = new PrivateItem($this->item$mysidia->user->username);
$item->iid == or $item->quantity 1) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->noitem);
// Consume one quantity of this item if it is consumable.
if($item->consumable == "yes"$item->remove();
// Show a basic form for user to choose an item.
$itemform "<form name='form1' method='post' action='pages.php?page={$this->name}'><br>
                        <b>Choose an Item:</b>
                        (The quantity of each item you own is shown inside the parentheses)<br> 
                        <select name='item' id='item'><option value='none' selected>None Selected</option>"
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("itemname""quantity"), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}'");
$items $stmt->fetchObject()){
$itemform .= "<option value='{$items->itemname}'>{$items->itemname} ({$items->quantity})</option>";    
$itemform .= "</select></p><input name='code' type='hidden' id='code' value='{$this->code}'>
                         <p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Use Item'></p></form>"

$this->title $mysidia->lang->item_title;
$this->content $mysidia->lang->item.$itemform;
$time strtotime($this->time);
$current time();
$current $time) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->wrongtime);
$group $mysidia->usergroup->gid;
$group != $this->group) throw new NoPermissionException($mysidia->lang->notgroup);

  private function 
$this->header) throw new Exception("Header already started.");
$this->header "<html><head><title>MyMysidia Admin &raquo; {$mysidia->settings->browsertitle}</title>";

  private function 
$this->header) throw new Exception("Header not started yet.");
$this->header .= "</head>";

  private function 
getstyle($style$path ""){
$this->header) throw new Exception("Header not started yet.");
$path = (defined("SUBDIR") and SUBDIR == "AdminCP")?
$this->header .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$path}{$style}' type='text/css' />";

  private function 
getscript($script$path ""){
// This method load javascript in header.
if(!$this->header) throw new Exception("Header not started yet.");
$path)) $path "http://".DOMAIN.SCRIPTPATH."/js/";
$this->header .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$path}{$script}'></script>";

  private function 
// The temporary way to get AdminCP body, this will be revised in Mys v1.3.3
$patterns = array("/:INDEX:/""/:ADOPT:/""/:LEVEL:/""/:OWNEDADOPT:/""/:IMAGE:/""/:USER:/""/:USERGROUP:/""/:ITEM:/""/:SHOP:/""/:INVENTORY:/""/:CONTENT:/""/:MENU:/""/:PROMO:/""/:SETTINGS:/""/:AD:/");
$path "http://www.".DOMAIN.SCRIPTPATH."/admincp";
$replacements = array($path$path."/adopt"$path."/level"$path."/ownedadopt"$path."/image"$path."/user"$path."/usergroup"
$body preg_replace($patterns$replacements$template);
  private function 
// This method gets the links for the top bar from the database
global $mysidia;    
/*I copied the "if" statement from the getsidebar() function and edited it here to make it work. */
if($mysidia->user->isloggedin == TRUE) {
$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages</a>";        
$data $mysidia->db->select("messages", array("touser"), "touser='{$mysidia->user->username}' and status='unread'")->fetchAll();

count($data) > 0$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages <b>(".count($data).")</b></a>";
$links "<div class='ddmenu'>{$mysidia->settings->cost}{$mysidia->user->money}.<br>";
     else {
$links "<div class='ddmenu'><b style='text-align:center'><u>Member Login:</u></b>
        <form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
          Username:<input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
          Password:<input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
          <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Log In'>"
$links .= "\n<ul>";             
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("links", array(), "linkparent < 1 ORDER BY id ASC");       
     while (
$category $stmt->fetchObject()) {
$links .= "\n<li><a class='hide' href='{$category->linkurl}'>{$category->linktext}</a>
$stmt2 $mysidia->db->select("links", array(), "linkparent='{$category->id}' ORDER BY id ASC");
$item $stmt2->fetchObject()){
$links .= "<li><a href='{$item->linkurl}' title='{$item->linktext}'>{$item->linktext}</a></li>";      
$links .= "</ul>
$links .= "\n</ul>";
  public function 
$link $mysidia->db->select("links", array("linktext"), "id='{$lid}'")->fetchColumn();    
  private function 
//This method shows special links to the site admin

$links "<li><a href='index.php'>Home</a></li>
                <li><a href='adopt.php'>Change Adoptables</a></li>
                <li><a href='content.php'>Change Content</a></li>
                <li><a href='users.php'>Change Users</a></li>
                <li><a href='items.php'>Change Items</a></li>
                <li><a href='settings.php'>Site Settings</a></li>
                <li><a href='ads.php'>Manage Ads</a></li>"
  private function 
//This function determines what shows in the side bar of the template

global $mysidia
$mysidia->user->isloggedin == TRUE) {
$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages</a>";        
$data $mysidia->db->select("messages", array("touser"), "touser='{$mysidia->user->username}' and status='unread'")->fetchAll();

count($data) > 0$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages <b>(".count($data).")</b></a>";
$sidebar "{$mysidia->settings->cost}{$mysidia->user->money}.<br />
                   <a href='donate.php'>Donate Yukkuriens</a><br />
                   <br /><strong>Your links:</strong><br />
                   <a href='adopt.php'>Adopt</a>
                   <a href='pound.php'>Pounded</a>
                   <a href='myadopts.php'>Manage</a>
                   <a href='account.php'>My Account</a>
                   <a href='logout.php'>Log Out</a>"

$row $mysidia->db->select("users", array("uid""username"), "username='{$mysidia->user->username}' and usergroup='1'")->fetchObject();        
is_object($row)) $sidebar .= "<a href='admincp/'>Admin Center</a><br />";
     else {
$sidebar "";
$omembers $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username != 'Visitor'")->fetchAll();
$ovisitors $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username = 'Visitor'")->fetchAll();
$sidebar .= "Online:<br /><a href='online.php'>".count($omembers)." Members<br />".count($ovisitors)." Guests</a>";
  private function 
getads($page ""){
// The method to display site advertisements
global $mysidia;
$page == "any"$page "";    
$row $mysidia->db->select("ads", array(), "page = '{$page}' and status = 'active' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1")->fetchObject();        
is_object($row)) {
$value stripslashes($value);

$impressions == ""$impressions 0;
$actualimpressions $actualimpressions 1;

//Update the impressions count
$mysidia->db->update("ads", array("actualimpressions" => $actualimpressions), "id='{$aid}'");
//Check that ad is not over max impressions...
if ($actualimpressions >= $impressions and $impressions != 0$mysidia->db->update("ads", array("status" => "inactive"), "id='{$aid}'");
$value "";

  private function 
$mysversion "Mysidia Adoptables".Mysidia::version;
"Powered by <a href=''>Mysidia Adoptables {$mysversion}</a>";

  public function 
// The core method to output a page
global $mysidia;
$usertheme $mysidia->user->gettheme();
$title stripslashes($this->title);
$content stripslashes($this->content);
$credits htmlentities($this->credits);
$theme = (!empty($usertheme))?$mysidia->user->gettheme():$mysidia->settings->theme;
$themeurl = (defined("SUBDIR") and SUBDIR == "AdminCP")?"../templates/newacp/template.html":"templates/{$theme}/template.html";
$replacements = array($title$content$this->date$mysidia->settings->browsertitle$mysidia->settings->sitename$mysidia->settings->slogan$this->links$this->sidebar$this->ads);
$template file_get_contents($themeurl);
// now that we have our stuff, let's start making it all into a webpage
$body preg_replace($patterns$replacements$template);
defined("SUBDIR") and SUBDIR == "AdminCP"){
$body $this->getbody($body);

$html $this->header.$body

  Spoiler: Figured this out 

Is there a way to move around and split up SIDEFEED stuff? I want to put the login and money amount someplace else on my side and have the links as an icon menu (the icon menu being down the left side of my site)

So something like this:

I know it might be difficult but I was just curious if it would be easyish.

Edit: I am using version 1.3.2

Edit 2:
I am looking at the class_page.php file at the sidefeed code, and I was wondering if I could take this bit of code:
PHP Code:

if($mysidia->user->isloggedin == TRUE) {
$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages</a>";        
$data $mysidia->db->select("messages", array("touser"), "touser='{$mysidia->user->username}' and status='unread'")->fetchAll();

count($data) > 0$msgctr "<a href='messages.php'>Messages <b>(".count($data).")</b></a>";
$sidebar "{$mysidia->settings->cost}{$mysidia->user->money}.<br />
                   <a href='donate.php'>Donate Yukkuriens</a><br />
                   <br /><strong>Your links:</strong><br />
                   <a href='adopt.php'>Adopt</a>
                   <a href='pound.php'>Pounded</a>
                   <a href='myadopts.php'>Manage</a>
                   <a href='account.php'>My Account</a>
                   <a href='logout.php'>Log Out</a>"

$row $mysidia->db->select("users", array("uid""username"), "username='{$mysidia->user->username}' and usergroup='1'")->fetchObject();        
is_object($row)) $sidebar .= "<a href='admincp/'>Admin Center</a><br />";
     else {
$sidebar "<b style='text-align:center'><u>Member Login:</u></b><br />
        <form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
          <p style='text-align:center'>Username: <p id='loginbox'><input name='username' type='text' id='username'></p></p>
          <p style='text-align:center'>Password: <p id='loginbox'><input name='password' type='password' id='password'></p></p>
          <p style='text-align:center'><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Log In'></p>
        </form>Don't have an account?<br /><a href='register.php'>Register Free</a><br /><a href='forgotpass.php'>Forgot Password?</a><br />"

and edit it on the template page for the login part, and get it to work.
(I'm seeing how easy it would be before I attempt it in case I accidentally break something xD) (I am in a php/mysql class right now and just started, but I do have some knowledge from watching php videos online, and also have some basic programming knowledge)

Hedgen 03-03-2013 10:39 PM

I figured this out.

Hall of Famer 03-04-2013 06:28 AM

Oh thats good to know, anyway you may want to share your experience with a few other users who wish to move the locations of some certain widgets/modules around on their sites.

Hedgen 03-04-2013 10:12 AM

I'll try explaining it later when I get home, and hopefully I can explain it in a way that people can understand ^^' (I'm at school right now working on C# homework and php/mysql homework) It took me awhile to finally get it to look right on my site but even then I can't get the login box above my menu to center. I'm trying to get a good site layout down before I add anything else to my site.

Edit: Should I put it in the tutorials and tips section? Or would it be under the modification section?

Hall of Famer 03-05-2013 06:36 PM

Well you sure can post a thread in the tutorials section, I am sure thats where it should fit into anyway.

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