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WillowArmadillo 03-13-2016 01:03 PM

Hey! ^^
Hi guys, I'm a sort of newbie here. I joined a little while ago but have only just started to explore the site and use Mysidia :)

I've been on various styles and forms of petsites since around '09.
I still love the click and grow variety and am a member of Valley of Unicorns, Chickensmoothie, Ponyisland and FlightRising, and I am excited to look at the sites you guys are working on too!

I plan to make an adoptable site called Pixelhearts, I often do a lot of "flatstyle" pixel art which has proved popular on the forums I'm active on ~
I'm debating making a "core species" and offering variations of said species, with special species available during events. I'm leaning toward equine based.
Although, I have been testing the site with this cute rat base and different coats ~
So as you can see I've not even settled on the pet yet, other than they will be pixel based :I
I would love input on which (if either idea you would prefer to see) Rats or Flatstyle Critters

I have pretty good HTML knowledge and have worked with FTP and the like before to create very basic sites (for paging old style forum adoptables etc) , but when it comes to CSS and all that I'm a little scared and new to it all, however I'm willing to try and learn, even if it's a long process of trial and error x3 (I spent nearly a day trying to upload a theme wihtout success and so far it's still beyond me ;u; )

As such my site is still a ghostly shell, but I will persevere!
I'm hoping I'll be able to acomplish this all on my own with time, but I have no ETA as of yet. Wish me luck! xD

Ittermat 03-13-2016 03:22 PM

Good luck! You have beautiful pixel art ^^ <3

tahbikat 03-13-2016 04:03 PM

Welcome to Mysidia Willow! <3

Those rats are adorable and I think they'd be pretty popular. Although, there aren't many equine games out there. Were you planning to do a fantasy equine, realistic, or a mix between the two? Personally I think a fantasy equine game would be awesome, even though there are already some out there. This should be up to you though. You should do whatever you think you will continue to love doing.

As for the coding aspect, Mysidia already has a lot of features and mods that the community has made which will definitely add unique features to your site. You can also ask the community for help whenever you're stuck on something.

I would suggest playing with your tester site first and get to know the code. I didn't know anything at all about PHP when I started and found it quite hard to understand. I ended up taking almost a year-long break from the forums and when I came back, for some reason, PHP suddenly seemed to "stick" and I've been learning to understand it more. Don't expect to learn it overnight, but it does help to study the code and play with things. Always save backups of files before working in them in case you break something. (I just paste the code into Notepad)

Good luck with your site! Would love to see a progress/update thread soon. ^^

Kyttias 03-13-2016 06:37 PM


I like that flat-style pixel art! I don't get to see stuff like that very often, but the mice are cute, too. (They're a bit like tahbikat's style, you might work well together!) :usedusedused:

Pear 03-14-2016 01:36 PM

Welcome! c:
Your art style is super cute < 3 Can't wait to see your site! It's going to be so cute!

Hall of Famer 03-14-2016 02:34 PM

Welcome to Mysidia Adoptables, I hope you will have a nice experience using this script. You can get plenty of help from here by our members.

WillowArmadillo 03-16-2016 02:20 PM

Thanks for the welcome everyone! ^^
After some more deliberation I've decided to stick with the ratties, I used to own them in RL and I just get excited whenever I look at my tester babies.

I saw Codeacademy linked here and I'm working my way through that to learn CSS stuff initially, I'll post an update when something more substancial is on the way :)

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