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Kyttias 12-30-2015 06:40 PM

Higher Or Lower Game
Higher Or Lower Guessing Game
Try it out here (this is also a good place to modify the css to your liking):,css,js,output

Download Link:

Upload the following files:
Open phpMyAdmin, login if necessary, open up your database, press SQL, and paste in the following:

  `gid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `game` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `username` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `plays` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`gid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `key` (`gid`)

If done properly, it will probably say "MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows)" with a green checkmark. This is not an error!
Note - This all assumes you did not change the prefix for your database from "adopts_" to something else when you first installed the Mysidia framework. If you did, modify the SQL provided above. In addition, inside games/hilo/sendscore.php you will need to change all instances of "adopts_" to reflect your custom prefix.

You should then be able to visit this game at

Feel free to modify games/hilo/hilo.css to your heart's content!

Modifying Game Code
There are TWO versions of the .js files. One is human readable (games/hilo/hilo_non.js) but is NOT being used by the game. It exists only for your reference. The other (games/hilo/hilo.js) is obfuscated, making the javascript code nearly impossible to read and therefore harder for users to cheat the system. If you'd like to use the non-obfuscated version while testing, modify the link to the script found at the end of games/hilo/hilo.php. If you'd like to re-obfuscate any changes you've made, you can do so here.
★ Cards are numbered 1 through 16. To modify the number of cards, edit lines 7 and 13 in games/hilo/hilo_non.js.
★ Users can only play 20 times a day. To modify this limit, edit line 5 in games/hilo/hilo_non.js, and on line 4 in games/hilo/sendscore.php.
★ For each correct guess, 25 money is rewarded. To change, modify lines 18, 27 and 49 in games/hilo/hilo_non.js.
(Reminder to re-obfuscate and update games/hilo/hilo.js after making changes! See Modifying Game Code above!!!)
Note - The user's currency is updated with EACH correct guess, but you won't be able to see that until you visit another page. If you'd like to see the user's cash go up LIVE, you'll need to add a class of "money" to a span or div surrounding where the user's currency is displayed on the page. You can do this in classes/class_sidebar.php in the setMoneyBar() function. Surround just {$mysidia->user->money} in a <div class='money'></div>.
★ ★ ★ Let me know of any problems!★ ★ ★

edit @ Feb 4, 1:30PM EST - MAJOR BUG FIX (fixed bug in post #11).
If you have installed before this date, redownload the latest copy, REPLACE sendscore.php, and DELETE all entries in the 'adopts_games' table to prevent corrupt data.

Abronsyth 12-30-2015 06:44 PM

Ah, man, this is so exciting, thank you so much for sharing! I will have to test it out tomorrow!

Hwona 12-30-2015 08:09 PM

This looks amazing! Do you know if it's compatible with v1.3.3?

Bexasaurus 12-30-2015 08:16 PM

This is really cool, thanks for sharing this and contributing.

Kyttias 12-30-2015 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Wallie987 (Post 33359)
This looks amazing! Do you know if it's compatible with v1.3.3?

It should be! This is how it works for v1.3.4 in view/hiloview.php:

PHP Code:

$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;    
$document->setTitle('Higher or Lower');
$document->add(new Comment('<p>Guess if the second number will be higher or lower. The highest possible number is 16.</p>
<iframe id="game" style="width: 100%; min-height: 500px;" src="../../games/hilo/hilo.php?username='
.$mysidia->user->username.'" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>')); 

To make it work with v1.3.3, the most important thing is to make sure that an iframe is made that links to hilo.php with the username as a parameter. Can you see how that works above? I'm not familiar with how pages are constructed in v1.3.3 but if you are, just add in an iframe and it should take care of itself.

Hwona 12-30-2015 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kyttias (Post 33361)
It should be! This is how it works for v1.3.4 in view/hiloview.php:

PHP Code:

$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;    
$document->setTitle('Higher or Lower');
$document->add(new Comment('<p>Guess if the second number will be higher or lower. The highest possible number is 16.</p>
<iframe id="game" style="width: 100%; min-height: 500px;" src="../../games/hilo/hilo.php?username='
.$mysidia->user->username.'" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>')); 

To make it work with v1.3.3, the most important thing is to make sure that an iframe is made that links to hilo.php with the username as a parameter. Can you see how that works above? I'm not familiar with how pages are constructed in v1.3.3 but if you are, just add in an iframe and it should take care of itself.

Awesome! I made a JS wordscramble game that failed because I couldn't figure out how to use ajax... user cash wasn't updated. If I can get this to work, I can share the scramble script too.

Kyttias 12-31-2015 12:38 AM

Let me know if I can help with your game, Wallie. :meow:

I'm hoping to buy a game off CodeCanyon and integrate it with Mysidia, I just need to convince my significant other than its worth the money.

Abronsyth 12-31-2015 06:45 AM

O-oohkay not sure what is going on. I haven't touched any of the script files at all, so everything is original from the download you provided. I am running into 2 issues;
1) The score is not updating at all for me, it remains on 0 regardless of how many times I am getting it correct. It is adding the currency to my account, though.
2) Once I do guess correctly the question-mark card disappears, and if I guess correctly again after that then both cards disappear, though the buttons are still clickable.

GIF of glitches HERE, and HERE is a link to the game on my site itself.

Sorry for being a pain :cfrown:

Kyttias 12-31-2015 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Abronsyth (Post 33368)
O-oohkay not sure what is going on. I haven't touched any of the script files at all, so everything is original from the download you provided. I am running into 2 issues;
1) The score is not updating at all for me, it remains on 0 regardless of how many times I am getting it correct. It is adding the currency to my account, though.
2) Once I do guess correctly the question-mark card disappears, and if I guess correctly again after that then both cards disappear, though the buttons are still clickable.

GIF of glitches HERE, and HERE is a link to the game on my site itself.

Sorry for being a pain :cfrown:

That's... extremely weird?? What browser are you using?

(As a PSA, you can also access the game directly without being logged in - it doesn't reward any money to anyone and you can refresh and play forever - )

I can't seem to replicate that behavior at all on my end. D;

Please try using an updated version of the files so I can rule out any problems? I uploaded a newer copy this morning because I left a reference to my css file in and no one has that (it's not important, just additionally styling on my end, no harm to anyone to have left it there, but, yknow, better that it's gone).

I notice that you don't seem to be utilizing jQuery as part of your theme. I don't think that should be a problem, because I include my own link to jQuery for the file inside the iframe, as that's really the only place I'm using it in this. Let's rule out some other stuff first, because if I have to have you include jQuery in your header then I'm also going to have to help you fix your profile tabs. x'D What a mess.

Abronsyth 12-31-2015 02:29 PM

I'm using Google Chrome, and I tested it on Firefox but have the same issue. I updated the files, but still to no avail.

Oh my goodness! I thought that I had jQuery in the header since I'm using the tooltips for items, but it turns out I totally forgot to do that, which would explain why tooltips didn't look right XD So I just added it in and everything is working now (as are profile tabs, no worries there)!

I'm so sorry to have bothered you with this! I should have known about that ages ago, ahaha.

Thank you, Kyttias!

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