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Ittermat 12-14-2016 04:48 PM

Adding trophies to user profile
I want to add trophies to a users profile- (by making a new tab and whatnot-)

our items are sorted by category, so if I could just put the items in the "trophy" category in their inventory in the tab that'd be awesome (that way when a user gets another one it automatically adds it.)... I just dunno how to do that...

I want the tab after "pets"
And Id like it to show the tooltip description on hover as well please

This is my profileview.php.

PHP Code:


use Resource\Native\String;

ProfileView extends View{
    public function 
$pagination $this->getField("pagination");
$users $this->getField("users");        
$document $this->document;    
$iterator $users->iterator();
$entry $iterator->next();
$username = (string)$entry->getKey();
$usergroup = (string)$entry->getValue();
cancp($usergroup) == "yes"$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/star.gif"));
$document->add(new Link("profile/view/{$username}"$usernameTRUE));
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$user $this->getField("user");
$profile $this->getField("profile");
$document $this->document;


$document->add(new Comment('<div id="tabs" class="c-tabs no-js"><div class="c-tabs-nav">',false));
$document->add(new Comment('<a href="#" class="c-tabs-nav__link outer-nav__link is-active">Pets</a>
            <a href="#" class="c-tabs-nav__link outer-nav__link">Visitor Message</a>
    <a href="#" class="c-tabs-nav__link outer-nav__link">Friends</a>
    <a href="#" class="c-tabs-nav__link outer-nav__link">Contact Info</a>
    <a href="#" class="c-tabs-nav__link outer-nav__link">Trophies</a>

// Adopts Tab
$document->add(new Comment('<div class="c-tab outer-tab is-active">
    <div class="c-tab__content">'
$user->getadopts()) $document->addLangvar($this->lang->noadopts);
// Visitor Message
$document->add(new Comment('</div></div><div class="c-tab outer-tab">
    <div class="c-tab__content">'
$vmTitle = new Comment($mysidia->input->get("user").$this->lang->VM_member);
$vmForm = new Form("vmform""{$mysidia->input->get("user")}""post");
$vmForm->add(new PasswordField("hidden""user"$user->username));
$vmForm->add(new TextArea("vmtext"""450));
$vmForm->add(new Button("Post Comment""submit""submit"));
$reminder = new Paragraph;
$reminder->add(new Comment("You may now view your conversation with {$user->username} from "FALSE));
$reminder->add(new Link("vmessage/view/{$mysidia->input->post("touser")}/{$mysidia->input->post("fromuser")}""Here"));

// Friends.
$document->add(new Comment('</div></div><div class="c-tab outer-tab">
    <div class="c-tab__content">'

// The last tab: Contact Info!    
$document->add(new Comment('</div></div><div class="c-tab outer-tab">
    <div class="c-tab__content">'

$document->add(new Comment('</div></div>
<script src="/js/otherTabs.js"></script>
  var myTabs = tabs({
    el: "#tabs",
    tabNavigationLinks: ".outer-nav__link",
    tabContentContainers: ".outer-tab"

  var petTabs = tabs({
                    el: "#pettabs",
                    tabNavigationLinks: ".pet-nav",
                    tabContentContainers: ".pet-tab"


I finally have time to work on my site... sorry for all the questions~!

Dinocanid 12-14-2016 06:49 PM

I'm afraid I don't exactly know how to work with the setup you have for the profile page since it seems to have a different way of showing the tabs. I can, however, say that this is how I add a new tab with the default code. Maybe it will point you in the right direction?

PHP Code:


use Resource\Native\String;

ProfileView extends View{
    public function 
$pagination $this->getField("pagination");
$users $this->getField("users");        
$document $this->document;    
$iterator $users->iterator();
$entry $iterator->next();
$username = (string)$entry->getKey();
$usergroup = (string)$entry->getValue();
cancp($usergroup) == "yes"$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/star.gif"));
$document->add(new Link("profile/view/{$username}"$usernameTRUE));
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$user $this->getField("user");
$profile $this->getField("profile");
$document $this->document;
$tabsList = new LinkedHashMap;
$tabsList->put(new String("Visitor Message"), new String("visitormessage"));
$tabsList->put(new String("Adoptables"), new String("adopts"));
$tabsList->put(new String("Friends"), new String("friends"));
$tabsList->put(new String("Contact Info"), new String("contactinfo"));
$tabsList->put(new String("New tab"), new String("newinfo")); //This was added!
$tabs = new Tab(5$tabsList1); //And this!
$document->add(new Comment("<center>"));
// Here we go with the first tab content: Visitor Message
$vmTitle = new Comment($mysidia->input->get("user").$this->lang->VM_member);
$vmForm = new Form("vmform""{$mysidia->input->get("user")}""post");
$vmForm->add(new PasswordField("hidden""user"$user->username));
$vmForm->add(new TextArea("vmtext"""450));
$vmForm->add(new Button("Post Comment""submit""submit"));
$reminder = new Paragraph;
$reminder->add(new Comment("You may now view your conversation with {$user->username} from "FALSE));
$reminder->add(new Link("vmessage/view/{$mysidia->input->post("touser")}/{$mysidia->input->post("fromuser")}""Here"));
// The third tab: Adopts...    
$user->getadopts()) $document->addLangvar($this->lang->noadopts);

// The fourth tab: Friends...

// The last tab: Contact Info!    
$tabs->starttab(4);  //This is the new tab!
$document->add(new Comment("Wow! Things!"));

To add a tooltip, you can use this code (I'm assuming you use the one from the shop and tooltip mod):
PHP Code:

$document->add(new Comment("<img rel='tooltip' title='Description!' src='DIRECT IMAGE LINK'/>")); 

Ittermat 12-14-2016 07:03 PM

Sorry I appreciate the help but it doesnt help me at all XD

draugluin 10-05-2018 08:53 AM

open classes / class_tab.php


PHP Code:

public function createtab(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$this->num or $this->num 5) throw new Exception("The number of tabs must be restricted between 2 to 5!",272); 

and change 5 to 6. ( two times ! )

then open css / tabs.css


PHP Code:

<style type="text/css">

body { }
html overflow-yscroll; }
text-decorationnone; }
a:focus outline0; }
margin0 0 20px 0; }
#page-wrap { width: 640px; margin: 30px;} 

and change the page-wrap width to 740px.

Hope, this helps

Ittermat 11-05-2018 11:48 AM

I got that part XD but now I have no idea how to make the Trophies actually appear

They're under the category "Trophy" in my items..

I tried this- and that didnt work.. >_<

$document->add(new Comment('</div></div><div class="c-tab outer-tab">
<div class="c-tab__content">',false));
$profile->display("Trophy", $user);

draugluin 11-06-2018 01:42 AM

Hmmm.... this works for me. try it...

you just have to change the names and the path.

PHP Code:

// The new tab    
$document->add(new Comment("Throphies!<br> ")); 
$throphy $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("itemname"), "category ='throphy' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}' ");
$row $throphy->fetchObject()) {    
$itemname $row->itemname;
$document->add(new Comment("<img src='/pics/{$itemname}.png'>" ));

Ittermat 11-06-2018 08:51 AM

I got it working (dinocanid helped me) but this thread will be supe useful for future tabs I may want to add- Thank you so much!

(Or if someone else needs to know how)

draugluin 11-06-2018 09:46 AM

:) you're welcome.

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