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MikiHeart 01-15-2015 01:40 AM

We should build a wiki
I'm thinking that it could be a very good idea to build a wiki, or have an addon for vbulletin that creates a Wiki.

Something that we can all edit and add to, but have moderators approve edits (So we don't have any trolls come in and take over).

Then we can add our mods, guides, tips, and it's all in one easy place for people to get to.

rickasawr 01-15-2015 01:46 AM

I would like to see this happen!

As a new user of the script, a wiki would be very informative and is easier navigating than thread posts on forums for information.

Kyttias 01-15-2015 02:30 AM

I vote no. There are many versions of the script, far less than a dozen mods for each, and users would have to sign up for the wiki to ask questions on a separate discussion page. And as a mod maker, I would have to post and answer questions in two locations and then refer people who ask questions to the opposite site where the same question may have already been asked, rather than repeat myself.

There is already a perfectly convenient category on this site for mods (which are even conveniently organized by version). I don't see bulletin board software with a wiki for mods. Or any content management system, really. Save wikis for games and tv shows.

What we need is documentation and a github repository, as these are appropriate resource outlets for code. I don't want to see a wiki until those two are 100% done.

MikiHeart 01-15-2015 02:54 AM

There are all kinds of mods for vbulletin, including a wiki. So doesn't have to be a separate place. I think it's better than the forums, because the forums are all over the place.

The mods section is very unorganized. There are people asking for help, there are mods that have been removed, and mods that aren't updated.

The wiki would also include the full documentation. Right now, everything is all over the place and you have to search through everything to find what is useful and what is not. Where an updated and managed wiki would be a lot better.

IntoRain 01-15-2015 01:07 PM

If the code was fully documented, documentation would be automatically made with specific tools like doxygen (yes, it generates its own wiki). I think it's more useful to document the classes and functions directly, instead of using a wiki

Hall of Famer 01-15-2015 01:59 PM

Well the next major version will have documentation for each class, property and method. Mys v1.3.x does not have documentation though, and I do not plan to add one in future. I think a wiki sounds good, you may research on mediawiki or wikia. Let me know which one you like better.

rickasawr 01-15-2015 04:04 PM

After seeing the idea for documentation, i agree that there should be a documentation instead of a wiki because im having trouble figuring out everything about the script. A documentation would be very usefull and very help, i hope to see one in the future!

Kyttias 01-15-2015 07:28 PM

I'm trying to build some sort of documentation here, but mostly for my own reference, and it's far from done. ^^;

MikiHeart 01-15-2015 11:11 PM

I don't know much about documentation, I just know that most ones I've seen are just simple html pages.

Also HoF, any timeline for the next version? I know you were planning to release it last year but life always gets in the way of things (Damn life and living and stuff lol)

rickasawr: Have a look at Kyttias' documentation, it's looking really good.

IntoRain 01-16-2015 12:38 PM

Basically you just need to comment the functions and classes with the appropriate comment blocks and it generates a wiki with call graphs and cross references and everything.
Quoting a post I made previously about this:


Originally Posted by IntoRain (Post 28918)
Can I suggest doxygen-style comments for the classes and functions? Doxygen automatically generates a wiki thing (.html) with information on all classes and functions from just comments, making it easier in my opinion for us to search for stuff. I know it kinda sucks to comment everything, but since you will be changing the code a lot and since some of the older functions and core classes are already commented, I thought I'd suggest doxygen-style comments:

The generated .html pages look awesome: (example of a function description (detailed) - it has the call graph and the caller graph!) (example of a class list, it shows undetailed member functions with the details at the end of the page - it has a search function! it also shows class hierarchy, files, etc!)

(please ignore the fact I used both C-style and Java-style code standards for the function names lol it's messy I know)

You can customize the wiki colors and structure as well, I just didn't lose much time with it.

I say yes to creating a wiki for user guides like Kyttias' though.

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