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Gashu 11-17-2011 05:21 PM

What do I need to learn?
Hi all!

I've started properly learning coding myself so I can make my own petsites from scratch, and custom things for Mysidia. I'm making good progress so far, I have started with XHTML/CSS.

What other codes do I need to learn to create a pet site? I know there is PHP, but is there anything else? There are so many codes, I'm not sure where to go after learning XHTML/CSS.

Thanks! :D

Inf3rnal 11-17-2011 05:40 PM

HTML, CSS, and PHP is nice start.

Javascript and Ajax would be nice as well.

jQuery is the most used in the js world so I would recommend checking that out as well.

Gashu 11-17-2011 05:44 PM

Okay thanks so much for that! :D I'll go onto PHP after then. A friend mentioned something about MySQL too, it's something to do with having people sign up to your site or something? Do I need that too?

SilverDragonTears 11-17-2011 05:47 PM

HoF has some tutorials here on the forums for coding.

Gashu 11-17-2011 05:59 PM

I've been using these so far, they've been soo helpful:

Only problem is, it's not pet-site specific, so I may have to come back to these forum tutorials later once I've got the basics down :D

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