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Dinocanid 06-27-2017 12:42 PM

Public breeding - need some help
I think I've gotten really close to some sort of public breeding system that I'm looking forward to share, but I've run into a problem. Currently, you can reach the page through "", which runs well and good, until you actually press the breed button; then you get this error:

Adoptable ID breeding does not exist or does not belong to the owner specified...
After clicking the button, the url becomes "", and of course "breeding" is not a valid adopt id. Is there any way to make it "" or ""?

This is what it looks like:
PHP Code:

public function breed(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;
$links $this->getField("links"); 
$links instanceof LinkedList){
$breeding $this->getField("breeding");
$document->setTitle("Breeding is Successful!");
$document->add(new Comment("Congratulations! Breeding is successful, you have acquired {$breeding->countOffsprings()} baby adoptables from breeding center."));
$document->add(new Comment("Click on one of the links below to manage your adoptables now!"));
$iterator $links->iterator();
$iterator->hasNext()) $document->add($iterator->next());            
$document->addLangvar("Why it failed goes here");
$adopt $this->getField("adopt");
$gender_lookup $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if (
$gender_lookup == "m") { $gender "Male"$pronoun "him"; } else { $gender "Female"$pronoun "her"; }
$cost $this->getField("cost")->getValue();
$femaleMap $this->getField("femaleMap");
$maleMap $this->getField("maleMap");
$document->setTitle("Breeding Center");
$document->add(new Comment("<font color=red><h2>This is currently being tested! It doesn't work yet! </h2></font>"));
$document->add(new Comment("<img src='{$adopt->getImage()}'>"));
$document->add(new Comment("You currently have $ {$mysidia->user->getcash()}, the cost of breeding is: "));
$document->addLangvar(" $ {$settings->cost}");
$breedingForm = new Form("breedingform""breeding""post");
//If the requested pet is male!
if($gender == "Male"){
// $breedingForm->add(new Comment("<div class='besideright'>"));
if($femaleMap instanceof LinkedHashMap){
$female = new DropdownList("female");
$female->add(new Option("None Selected""none"FALSE));            
$female = new Comment(" None of your female adoptables can breed at the time.");
//If the requested pet is female!    
if($gender == "Female"){
$maleMap instanceof LinkedHashMap){
$male = new DropdownList("male");
$male->add(new Option("None Selected""none"FALSE));
$male = new Comment(" None of your male adoptables can breed at the time."FALSE);
$breedingForm->add(new Comment("<br></br>"));
$breedingForm->add(new PasswordField("hidden""breed""yes"));
$breedingForm->add(new Button("Breed""submit""submit"));


PHP Code:

public function breed(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$gender_lookup $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if (
$gender_lookup == "m") { $gender "Male";} else { $gender "Female";}
$settings = new BreedingSetting($mysidia->db);
$userStatus $mysidia->user->getstatus();
$settings->system != "enabled") throw new InvalidActionException("system");
$userStatus->canbreed == "no") throw new NoPermissionException("permission");
//If the requested pet is male!
if($gender "Male"){
$mysidia->input->post("female") == "none"){
                  throw new 
$female = new OwnedAdoptable($mysidia->input->post("female"), $mysidia->user->username);
$male = new OwnedAdoptable($this->adopt->getAdoptID());
$breeding = new Breeding($female$male$settings); 
$validator $breeding->getValidator("fcase");
AdoptNotfoundException $ane){
                throw new 
BreedingException $bre){                
$status $bre->getmessage();
                throw new 
$settings->method == "advanced"$species $breeding->getBabySpecies();
$num $breeding->countOffsprings();
$num 0){
$offsprings $breeding->getOffsprings();
$offspringID $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "1 ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn() - $num 1
$links = new LinkedList;
$offsprings as $offspring){
$image $offspring->getEggImage("gui");
$links->add(new Link("myadopts/manage/{$offspringID}"$image));
$this->setField("links", new Null);
//If the requested pet is female!
if($gender "Female"){
$mysidia->input->post("female") == "none"){
                  throw new 
$male = new OwnedAdoptable($mysidia->input->post("male"), $mysidia->user->username);
$female = new OwnedAdoptable($this->adopt->getAdoptID());
$breeding = new Breeding($female$male$settings); 
$validator $breeding->getValidator("mcase");
AdoptNotfoundException $ane){
                throw new 
BreedingException $bre){                
$status $bre->getmessage();
                throw new 
$settings->method == "advanced"$species $breeding->getBabySpecies();
$num $breeding->countOffsprings();
$num 0){
$offsprings $breeding->getOffsprings();
$offspringID $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "1 ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn() - $num 1
$links = new LinkedList;
$offsprings as $offspring){
$image $offspring->getEggImage("gui");
$links->add(new Link("myadopts/manage/{$offspringID}"$image));
$this->setField("links", new Null);
//Stop here!!

$this->setField("cost", new Integer($breedcost));
$current = new DateTime;
$lasttime $current->getTimestamp() - (($settings->interval) * 24 60 60);
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("name""aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND gender = 'f' AND currentlevel >= {$settings->level} AND lastbred <= '{$lasttime}'");
$female = ($stmt->rowcount() == 0)?new Null:$mysidia->db->fetchMap($stmt);
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("name""aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND gender = 'm' AND currentlevel >= {$settings->level} AND lastbred <= '{$lasttime}'");
$male = ($stmt->rowcount() == 0)?new Null:$mysidia->db->fetchMap($stmt);


draugluin 10-19-2018 03:23 AM


After clicking the button, the url becomes "", and of course "breeding" is not a valid adopt id. Is there any way to make it "" or ""?
hmmmm ....

maybe ... try this

PHP Code:

= new Form("breedingform""/{$adopt->getAdoptID()}/breeding""post"); 

draugluin 08-27-2019 08:27 AM

This mod looks so good ! Have you gotten anywhere with it?

Missy Master 07-15-2020 12:25 PM

This is exactly what I am desperate for, myself, a way to have public breeding.

Few people will want to breed exclusively with their own, they'll want a way to breed with popular etc pets, special ones.

Missy Master 07-15-2020 05:50 PM

I think the error may lie in:

"owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}'

Somewhere, it's calling up who owns the pet and saying nope. I've fiddled with several places and pages (view, class, etc) and can't get rid of the invalid ID, even when I can get the males to show from other members in the list. Beats me, I am stumped.

Jeremydepp50 10-02-2020 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36547)
I think I've gotten really close to some sort of public breeding system that I'm looking forward to share, but I've run into a problem. Currently, you can reach the page through "", which runs well and good, until you actually press the breed button; then you get this error:

After clicking the button, the url becomes "", and of course "breeding" is not a valid adopt id. Is there any way to make it "" or ""?

This is what it looks like:
PHP Code:

public function breed(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;
$links $this->getField("links"); 
$links instanceof LinkedList){
$breeding $this->getField("breeding");
$document->setTitle("Breeding is Successful!");
$document->add(new Comment("Congratulations! Breeding is successful, you have acquired {$breeding->countOffsprings()} baby adoptables from breeding center."));
$document->add(new Comment("Click on one of the links below to manage your adoptables now!"));
$iterator $links->iterator();
$iterator->hasNext()) $document->add($iterator->next());            
$document->addLangvar("Why it failed goes here");
$adopt $this->getField("adopt");
$gender_lookup $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if (
$gender_lookup == "m") { $gender "Male"$pronoun "him"; } else { $gender "Female"$pronoun "her"; }
$cost $this->getField("cost")->getValue();
$femaleMap $this->getField("femaleMap");
$maleMap $this->getField("maleMap");
$document->setTitle("Breeding Center");
$document->add(new Comment("<font color=red><h2>This is currently being tested! It doesn't work yet! </h2></font>"));
$document->add(new Comment("<img src='{$adopt->getImage()}'>"));
$document->add(new Comment("You currently have $ {$mysidia->user->getcash()}, the cost of breeding is: "));
$document->addLangvar(" $ {$settings->cost}");
$breedingForm = new Form("breedingform""breeding""post");
//If the requested pet is male!
if($gender == "Male"){
// $breedingForm->add(new Comment("<div class='besideright'>"));
if($femaleMap instanceof LinkedHashMap){
$female = new DropdownList("female");
$female->add(new Option("None Selected""none"FALSE));            
$female = new Comment(" None of your female adoptables can breed at the time.");
//If the requested pet is female!    
if($gender == "Female"){
$maleMap instanceof LinkedHashMap){
$male = new DropdownList("male");
$male->add(new Option("None Selected""none"FALSE));
$male = new Comment(" None of your male adoptables can breed at the time."FALSE);
$breedingForm->add(new Comment("<br></br>"));
$breedingForm->add(new PasswordField("hidden""breed""yes"));
$breedingForm->add(new Button("Breed""submit""submit"));

PHP Code:

public function breed(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$gender_lookup $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if (
$gender_lookup == "m") { $gender "Male";} else { $gender "Female";}
$settings = new BreedingSetting($mysidia->db);
$userStatus $mysidia->user->getstatus();
$settings->system != "enabled") throw new InvalidActionException("system");
$userStatus->canbreed == "no") throw new NoPermissionException("permission");
//If the requested pet is male!
if($gender "Male"){
$mysidia->input->post("female") == "none"){
                  throw new 
$female = new OwnedAdoptable($mysidia->input->post("female"), $mysidia->user->username);
$male = new OwnedAdoptable($this->adopt->getAdoptID());
$breeding = new Breeding($female$male$settings); 
$validator $breeding->getValidator("fcase");
AdoptNotfoundException $ane){
                throw new 
BreedingException $bre){                
$status $bre->getmessage();
                throw new 
$settings->method == "advanced"$species $breeding->getBabySpecies();
$num $breeding->countOffsprings();
$num 0){
$offsprings $breeding->getOffsprings();
$offspringID $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "1 ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn() - $num 1
$links = new LinkedList;
$offsprings as $offspring){
$image $offspring->getEggImage("gui");
$links->add(new Link("myadopts/manage/{$offspringID}"$image));
$this->setField("links", new Null);
//If the requested pet is female!
if($gender "Female"){
$mysidia->input->post("female") == "none"){
                  throw new 
$male = new OwnedAdoptable($mysidia->input->post("male"), $mysidia->user->username);
$female = new OwnedAdoptable($this->adopt->getAdoptID());
$breeding = new Breeding($female$male$settings); 
$validator $breeding->getValidator("mcase");
AdoptNotfoundException $ane){
                throw new 
BreedingException $bre){                
$status $bre->getmessage();
                throw new 
$settings->method == "advanced"$species $breeding->getBabySpecies();
$num $breeding->countOffsprings();
$num 0){
$offsprings $breeding->getOffsprings();
$offspringID $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "1 ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn() - $num 1
$links = new LinkedList;
$offsprings as $offspring){
$image $offspring->getEggImage("gui");
$links->add(new Link("myadopts/manage/{$offspringID}"$image));
$this->setField("links", new Null);
//Stop here!!

$this->setField("cost", new Integer($breedcost));
$current = new DateTime;
$lasttime $current->getTimestamp() - (($settings->interval) * 24 60 60);
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("name""aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND gender = 'f' AND currentlevel >= {$settings->level} AND lastbred <= '{$lasttime}'");
$female = ($stmt->rowcount() == 0)?new Null:$mysidia->db->fetchMap($stmt);

$stmt $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("name""aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND gender = 'm' AND currentlevel >= {$settings->level} AND lastbred <= '{$lasttime}'");
$male = ($stmt->rowcount() == 0)?new Null:$mysidia->db->fetchMap($stmt);


Your way of telling everything in this article is truly pleasant, every one be capable of easily be aware of it, Thanks a lot.

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