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AlkseeyaKC 07-13-2011 09:03 AM

I'm showing up more then once

When I'm logged in, It shows I'm logged in twice on the online list. and just today its reading me three times now. Its only doing this to my account. I don't know what could be causing this. O - o; Maybe someone has an Idea? ^_^;

Hall of Famer 07-13-2011 02:42 PM

umm this is interesting, it only happens to your account but not with others? Theres a chance that you opened multiple whos online pages in your webbrowser. I am sure theres a way to fix this, which can be done easily.

SilverDragonTears 07-14-2011 04:27 PM

Does it to me too, but I just never thought to bother with it.

Inf3rnal 07-15-2011 07:16 AM

There is a quick way to produce this. Login using 2 browsers then go to the online list.

You will be there twice.

AlkseeyaKC 07-18-2011 10:54 AM

I get it when I just visit the page sometimes. XD; I have not had it happen for a while. Maybe I had more then one tab open and that caused that some how.

SilverDragonTears 07-20-2011 07:27 PM

It happens to me and others members quite often =/

Inf3rnal 07-21-2011 11:55 AM

Maybe add an if/else statement.

something like:

if username = username
show once?

SilverDragonTears 08-27-2011 10:48 PM

ok it's driving me mad.... .anyone feel like helping with this?

Hall of Famer 08-27-2011 11:36 PM

Well I am offering one possible solution, not sure if it works since I have never encountered this glitch myself on demo site(makes sense though, there is usually only me on demo site).

Go to your inc/functions.php file and find this:

PHP Code:

if($isloggedin != "yes")


$loggedinname "Visitor";


$result runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE `session` = '".$session."'");

$count mysql_num_rows($result);

$count == 0)


runquery("INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online VALUES('$loggedinname', '$session', '$time')");

Replace with:
PHP Code:

$result runquery("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online WHERE `session` = '{$session}'");

$count mysql_num_rows($result);

$result2 runquery("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online WHERE `username` = '{$loggedinname}'");

$count2 mysql_num_rows($result2);

$isloggedin != "yes")


$loggedinname "Visitor";


$count == and $count2 == 0)


runquery("INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online VALUES('$loggedinname', '$session', '$time')");

This way it should fix the problem of same user appearing more than once from who's online page. Again I cant tested this myself with only me on demo site, so run it on your active site with members and see if it works. It will not be included in Mys v1.2.3, so Id recommend you to upgrade before fixing this.

SilverDragonTears 08-27-2011 11:45 PM

K I tried it so I'll let you know how it works... about upgrading....

If I'm going to lose all my edits I may not upgrade. I have probably made over 100 if not more edits to my scripts.

Hall of Famer 08-27-2011 11:53 PM

Oh alright, this is up to you. The reason why I do not want to include who's online bug fix in Mys v1.2.3 is that I personally have no idea if it works. Incase you can stay up a bit, try the code on your site to see if it fixes the glitch. Once confirmed, I may end up fixing this glitch in Mys v1.2.3 prior to its official release.

SilverDragonTears 08-27-2011 11:59 PM

Yea I'll be up awhile. But what I meant was if I'm gonna lose all my custom edits then I may not upgrade =)

Hall of Famer 08-28-2011 12:04 AM

Oh I see. Well in Mys v1.2.3 the user passwords are encrypted with advanced approach to generate a hash of 128 characters rather than 32. It is far more secure under this hash generator, but I can definitely provide you with the password updater if you do not wish to upgrade to Mys v1.2.3 directly.

So yeah, please try the code on your site and see if it fixes the glitch with online.php.

SilverDragonTears 08-28-2011 12:15 AM

That would be great HOF, thank you =) I'm pretty sure it's working like a charm which is amazingly wonderful =) *cookies for you*

Hall of Famer 08-28-2011 12:23 AM

You are very welcome. ^^ Actually it was my fault not realizing that this script had security issues when I took over its development. Hopefully the password encrupter will prove to be useful.

And sorry to repeat this again, would you mind testing the who's online code on your site and see if it fixes the glitch you had before?

SilverDragonTears 08-28-2011 12:31 AM

LoL... i DID!! that's why i said this:


I'm pretty sure it's working like a charm which is amazingly wonderful =) *cookies for you*
sorry i wasn't more clear >.<

Hall of Famer 08-28-2011 12:37 AM

lol sorry, I thought you were referring to the user password encrypter. I will add online.php fix for Mys v1.2.3 now that you have confirmed the code works. Lemme know quickly if you spot anything wrong with the code since I do not wish to present the public with a glitchy script.

SilverDragonTears 08-28-2011 12:42 AM

Will do... I keep checking it constantly but I'm sure by now it would have shown multiples of one user! Totally loving it!

Hall of Famer 08-28-2011 01:16 AM

Well yeah. I checked your site before, but I never encountered such a glitch. It also never occurred to me on my demo site, you know how hard it is to track a bug reported by other users if you cannot get it yourself.

SilverDragonTears 08-28-2011 02:00 AM

darn. i see me 3 times....

Hall of Famer 08-28-2011 02:47 AM

umm so this does not fix who's online glitch. *sigh* Alright, I will give another try after releasing Mys v1.2.3.

SilverDragonTears 08-28-2011 02:52 AM

i'm not sure... it may have been my site messing up... b.c otherwise it's fine. i'll keep a watch on it.

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