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DarthPhoenix 06-09-2014 06:13 PM

In Need Of A Theme
I have recently just begun my quest on creating an adoptables site. I've gotten it set up already but since I am pretty new to CSS I was hoping someone could make a theme for my site. My site is basically a Pokemon Adoptables site based on my favorite Pokemon Mewtwo. My idea is too use 3 colors Black, White and Purple for the site. I may make a custom banner in the future but hopefully by then I will know more CSS. Thanks for the help -Phoenix :bucktard:

Hwona 06-09-2014 10:31 PM

Err, are you looking for a really customized and fancy theme or just something simple? I'm a beginner at CSS too and can't do very much, but I can try to help you if you really need it. I normally just edit the main theme. P
What do think of the theme I have on my site?:
Or do you need something better? :3

DarthPhoenix 06-09-2014 11:01 PM

Simple would do haha. Your theme is cool. You could do it something like yours haha. Just use the colors Black for the background, White for text, Purple for links. I think that would do ^-^ I can change the header to black for now and the header text white.

Hwona 06-09-2014 11:17 PM

So you don't need me to do any art for the banner or background? I can try if you'd like. :3

DarthPhoenix 06-10-2014 11:21 AM

Well you can if you want to ^-^. As long as the banner has a picture of Mewtwo and the background can have a Team Rocket logo. My site is based off Mewtwo taking over Team Rocket by the way.

Hwona 06-10-2014 05:06 PM

All right then, I'll start the theme and send the files to you in a PM when it's done in... probably a day or two. :3 So you're site's just going to have the pokemon mew? You're drawing them by yourself right?

DarthPhoenix 06-10-2014 08:35 PM

Well I'll start off with Kanto Pokemon. And no I found some animated Pokemon Sprites. Well technically I am making my own custom Pokemon Egg sprites.

Hwona 06-10-2014 10:01 PM

Umm, just a heads up, all images have to be drawn by you unless they're in the public domain I think. :3

DarthPhoenix 06-10-2014 10:18 PM

Well the website host I'm using (99webs) didn't have a problem with it XD

Hwona 06-11-2014 12:46 PM

Just in case you don't notice the PM right away, your theme is ready. Tell me if anything goes wrong and I hope you like it. Yes, I need to work with CSS a bit more. :P Well, good luck with your site, but I still don't see how hosts have anything to do with image rights? Anyways, I'll assume you know what you're doing. :3

DarthPhoenix 06-11-2014 01:52 PM

Eh, if anything goes wrong with the whole image thing I'll just take it down no big deal ^-^.

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