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goofyunicorn 02-01-2018 02:48 PM

I am using x10Premium and I have downloaded MA 1.3.4. I follow installation directions and when I get to the part where you do "" and I input that into my browser and it says "404 Not Found". How do I fix this? Also, how do I make my actual website as I can't seem to find out how to do so on x10Premium... I am very new to this, haha. Thanks for any help.

Dinocanid 02-01-2018 04:53 PM

You need to install the script before you can make the actual website. You said you followed installation directions, then tried to install the script, can you elaborate on that? Which tutorial are you using? (the youtube one is quite old and should not be used)
It also seems like a pathing issue. Is the script contained in a subfolder or did you extract the zip file directly under public_html?

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36933)
You need to install the script before you can make the actual website. You said you followed installation directions, then tried to install the script, can you elaborate on that? Which tutorial are you using? (the youtube one is quite old and should not be used)
It also seems like a pathing issue. Is the script contained in a subfolder or did you extract the zip file directly under public_html?

I was following the 1.3.4. tutorial. I extracted the zip file under public_html and it came up with the MysidiaAdoptables subfolder with all the script folders inside it.

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36934)
I was following the 1.3.4. tutorial. I extracted the zip file under public_html and it came up with the MysidiaAdoptables subfolder with all the script folders inside it.

If you didn't take it out of the subfolder, then the url to it should be " adoptables 1.3.4/install/index.php".
I recommend moving everything out of that folder and straight into public_html.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36935)
If you didn't take it out of the subfolder, then the url to it should be " adoptables 1.3.4/install/index.php".
I recommend moving everything out of that folder and straight into public_html.

It works! I get to step 3 though and when I select to go on to the next step, this error message appears:

Could not connect to database, the following error has occurred:
SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'beausavi_adopts'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 08:58 AM

The information for the database user probably doesn't match what you used during installation. (If you didn't make a database user, you can do that from cPanel and make sure to add all permissions)

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36938)
The information for the database user probably doesn't match what you used during installation. (If you didn't make a database user, you can do that from cPanel and make sure to add all permissions)

I have finally finished! But when I get to the final page, I follow the link to log in to the AdminCp and it says This Page is Not Working?

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36939)
I have finally finished! But when I get to the final page, I follow the link to log in to the AdminCp and it says This Page is Not Working?

Could you take a screenshot of it?

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36940)
Could you take a screenshot of it?

First picture is of the option to view website on the installation process of MAS and second picture is what I get when I click on the link

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 12:42 PM

I think it might be fixed with this:

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36943)
I think it might be fixed with this:

I tried it but I must be doing it wrong. Do you have any knowledge of coding? If so, on the yoursitename part, do I put the database user or site url?

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36945)
I tried it but I must be doing it wrong. Do you have any knowledge of coding? If so, on the yoursitename part, do I put the database user or site url?

Yeah, I'm a coder. For yoursitename, you don't do either (the name is misleading, i know). On the left side of cPanel's file manager, you should see a path thing with a home icon followed by the path of whatever folder you're viewing. You should put what it says between the home and public_html there. So it should actually be "home/foldername/public_html".
I can provide a screenshot if I need to, since I might not have worded that in the best way.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36946)
Yeah, I'm a coder. For yoursitename, you don't do either (the name is misleading, i know). On the left side of cPanel's file manager, you should see a path thing with a home icon followed by the path of whatever folder you're viewing. You should put what it says between the home and public_html there. So it should actually be "home/foldername/public_html".
I can provide a screenshot if I need to, since I might not have worded that in the best way.

May I have a screenshot please? :) Thank you for all the help

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36947)
May I have a screenshot please? :) Thank you for all the help

I was on mobile at the time of my last comment, and the full path isn't clear from the file manager, sorry ^^;
It can be found under the statstics section of cPanel though:
Where it says "home directory", that's what you should use. So for example, mine would say "/home/foodbabs/public_html/". If the script is in a subfolder, then it would be "/home/name/public_html/subfolder_name".

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36948)
I was on mobile at the time of my last comment, and the full path isn't clear from the file manager, sorry ^^;
It can be found under the statstics section of cPanel though:
Where it says "home directory", that's what you should use. So for example, mine would say "/home/foodbabs/public_html/". If the script is in a subfolder, then it would be "/home/name/public_html/subfolder_name".

Ugh... I did exactly what you said, all info correct. It still doesn't work... ;-;

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36949)
Ugh... I did exactly what you said, all info correct. It still doesn't work... ;-;

Hmm. If you go to public_html/inc/config.php, does it say anything next to "SCRIPTPATH"? It should look like this:
PHP Code:

define('SCRIPTPATH''');     //The folder you installed this script in 

Assuming there isn't a subfolder involved.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36951)
Hmm. If you go to public_html/inc/config.php, does it say anything next to "SCRIPTPATH"? It should look like this:
PHP Code:

define('SCRIPTPATH''');     //The folder you installed this script in 

Assuming there isn't a subfolder involved.

Yes it does say that :)

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36952)
Yes it does say that :)

This is really weird then. I read that it could be related to not having an htaccess file. You can check if it's there by enabling "show hidden files" under the file manager settings. If one is there, try enabling error reporting by adding this at the bottom:
PHP Code:

php_value error_reporting 1 

It might show a more specific error that's easier to figure out, instead of the mysterious 500 error.

I'd really like to figure out what causes this, since I'm using x10 for my site and I haven't run into this error.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36953)
This is really weird then. I read that it could be related to not having an htaccess file. You can check if it's there by enabling "show hidden files" under the file manager settings. If one is there, try enabling error reporting by adding this at the bottom:
PHP Code:

php_value error_reporting 1 

It might show a more specific error that's easier to figure out, instead of the mysterious 500 error.

I'd really like to figure out what causes this, since I'm using x10 for my site and I haven't run into this error.

I have done the show hidden files and can't find a htacess file. Where could I find it?

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36954)
I have done the show hidden files and can't find a htacess file. Where could I find it?

It should be located under public html. It's listed underneath the folders but above the php files:
(you won't have all of these exact files and folders, since they're mostly custom, but you get the idea)
If it isn't there, then you should be able to make one by creating a new file called ".htaccess" and add this inside of it:
PHP Code:

RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*) [NC]
#RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(js|css|gif|jpg|png|ico)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^get/([0-9]+).gif$ /click/siggy/$[L]
php_value error_reporting 1 

Or at least, I think you can make your own. I'm not sure if cPanel prevents this or not. If it doesn't let you make one, then you should be able to make one with notepad++ or something and uploading it.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36955)
It should be located under public html. It's listed underneath the folders but above the php files:
(you won't have all of these exact files and folders, since they're mostly custom, but you get the idea)
If it isn't there, then you should be able to make one by creating a new file called ".htaccess" and add this inside of it:
PHP Code:

RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*) [NC]
#RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(js|css|gif|jpg|png|ico)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^get/([0-9]+).gif$ /click/siggy/$[L]
php_value error_reporting 1 

Or at least, I think you can make your own. I'm not sure if cPanel prevents this or not. If it doesn't let you make one, then you should be able to make one with notepad++ or something and uploading it.

I did that and it still doesn't work. ;-;

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36956)
I did that and it still doesn't work. ;-;

What's your folder structure? Is it similar to this?:

I'm trying to think of the possible issues, and you might have to re-install since something probably went wrong there.

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36957)
What's your folder structure? Is it similar to this?:

I'm trying to think of the possible issues, and you might have to re-install since something probably went wrong there.

Yep all in that order. How do I reinstall?

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36958)
Yep all in that order. How do I reinstall?

Just go to /install/index.php and you should be able to do everything again. I think you might have to remove all the tables from the database first, since they might duplicate. During re-installation, make sure you put the url without www or http (so just Then leave script path empty (since there's no subfolder) and make sure the database host says "localhost".

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36959)
Just go to /install/index.php and you should be able to do everything again. I think you might have to remove all the tables from the database first, since they might duplicate. During re-installation, make sure you put the url without www or http (so just Then leave script path empty (since there's no subfolder) and make sure the database host says "localhost".

How do I remove the tables from the database?

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36960)
How do I remove the tables from the database?

Go to phpMyAdmin and click on the database. If you click the structure tab and scroll to the bottom, you should be able to mass-select all of the tables. Then under the dropdown you click "drop".

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36961)
Go to phpMyAdmin and click on the database. If you click the structure tab and scroll to the bottom, you should be able to mass-select all of the tables. Then under the dropdown you click "drop".

I have reinstalled and surprise, surprise... Doesn't work... :catfish:

Dinocanid 02-02-2018 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36962)
I have reinstalled and surprise, surprise... Doesn't work... :catfish:

I'm afraid I don't know what the issue is then. Since you're using x10premium, did you try contacting support and checking to see if it's an issue on their end?

goofyunicorn 02-02-2018 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36963)
I'm afraid I don't know what the issue is then. Since you're using x10premium, did you try contacting support and checking to see if it's an issue on their end?

Will do and will keep you updated.

goofyunicorn 02-06-2018 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36937)
It works! I get to step 3 though and when I select to go on to the next step, this error message appears:

Could not connect to database, the following error has occurred:
SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'beausavi_adopts'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I got this error again on the Mysidia Host (Which uses cPanel). What do I do? I have made a database user but it isn't working properly

Dinocanid 02-06-2018 09:29 AM

Does the login info for the database user match what's inside the config file? (Located in the inc folder)

goofyunicorn 02-06-2018 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36968)
Does the login info for the database user match what's inside the config file? (Located in the inc folder)

Yep. :/ I put it in all the correct information but it just denies me.

Dinocanid 02-06-2018 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36969)
Yep. :/ I put it in all the correct information but it just denies me.

Did you create a new user with the user manager or mysql databases? Since the user manager won't give you access but creating a mysql user will.

goofyunicorn 02-06-2018 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 36971)
Did you create a new user with the user manager or mysql databases? Since the user manager won't give you access but creating a mysql user will.

mysql databases :)

Dinocanid 02-06-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by goofyunicorn (Post 36972)
mysql databases :)

You can try sending Hall of Famer a pm. Sometimes mysidiahost goofs, so he can probably fix it for you.

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