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trollis76 05-10-2009 05:16 AM

Easier way to add adoptables
This is so you don't have to enter one level, go back, make another one, go back etc. etc...

Perhaps you could enter like: "I want [ ] levels with this [ ] picture for this [ ] adoptable."

Then you could do 30 levels in just some minutes. That would be a lot easier. :)

eaglelegend 05-10-2009 04:22 PM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables

Originally Posted by trollis76
This is so you don't have to enter one level, go back, make another one, go back etc. etc...

Perhaps you could enter like: "I want [ ] levels with this [ ] picture for this [ ] adoptable."

Then you could do 30 levels in just some minutes. That would be a lot easier. :)

I contest the suggestion, nice idea, but having it like that keeps users on your site longer, having them being able to do things so quickly, there is nothing else to do, when there is nothing else to do, you may find users might not stay on your site any longer than they were!

trollis76 05-11-2009 12:16 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
Why would the users go away with more adoptables available to adopt?
I meant that the admin enters that instead of making levels, levels, levels, levels, and more levels.

BMR777 05-11-2009 04:18 PM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
I like the idea, but currently it is not practical from a coding perspective to do things this way. Honestly it doesn't take that long to add the images, especially when most sites it is a one time thing to upload them.

trollis76 05-12-2009 12:51 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
It seemed good to me, but... :D
Thanks anyway!

trollis76 05-28-2009 08:11 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
It's just that, if you are going to add levels up to 100, and you are going to have like 100+ pets available for adopt - honestly it will take up to months just adding one of these. :(

Seapyramid 05-28-2009 09:49 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
If you doing 100 levels at over 100 pets I wouldn't worry about the time it takes to add them all. I would be more concerned with the time creating 10,000+ images!

Bloodrun 05-28-2009 09:52 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables

Originally Posted by Seapyramid
If you doing 100 levels at over 100 pets I wouldn't worry about the time it takes to add them all. I would be more concerned with the time creating 10,000+ images!

Lol very, very true.

Not only that, but after creating them all, that's alot of space its going to take up, as well as extra loading time for your pages.

trollis76 05-28-2009 09:54 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
Well, I am not making them. :)

Saphira 05-28-2009 10:35 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
I've found this method easier. Create levels up to, say, level 5. Then when someone gets to level 4, add 5 more levels. Then when they get to level 9, add 5 more levels. This should work unless you have it set to some really small number between level ups.

trollis76 05-28-2009 12:15 PM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
Well, I have 1 click = 1 levelup. :)
Besides I don't know how I can check when the person levels the adoptable to level 5. :(

mattalien 06-04-2009 03:14 PM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
I have a very good way of doing this. This is also from a pokemon site i am making.

You make the first level, then you export it from your database. copy it however many times you need it, then just change the needed info. For example:

I make the adoptable, and make a level for it normally. I then export it from the database: ( i am using 000webhost, which i think you are too.)

I then take this line (yours will be different):


INSERT INTO `'yourprefix'_levels` VALUES('Name', level, numberofclicksneeded, normalimage, alternateimage, '', '');
You then copy this however many times, then just change, for all of them:

Name: To what you called the adoptable
level: to what this level will be
number of clicks needed: to what the number of clicks needed for the level
normal image: to the image that normally appears
alternate image: If set, to what the alternate image will be

Copy all the levels you just made. Then you click on:

paste it all in, and, you're done!

If you have any questions, just ask!

trollis76 06-08-2009 08:23 AM

RE: Easier way to add adoptables
Wow. Very helpful! I was thinking about doing something like this, but I didn't know how. :)
I totally owe you one. :D

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