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Dinocanid 10-01-2016 06:35 PM

Foodbabs! (Open alpha)
(As a side note, I don't know if this belongs in the sites showcase since it doesn't seem done enough for it? This can be moved if it has to.)

Foodbabs! My very first try at doing anything involving adoptables. They're adorable, lovable food animal hybrids.
A few of the available starters

All of the editing and art is currently being done by me, so progress isn't exactly fast, but my goal for the site is to be charming and memorable; and a bit unique.

  • Seasonal adopts that can only be obtained through the event shop.
  • Pet shows and contests (Not yet implemented)
  • Luck and karma system (Partially implemented)
  • Integrated forum
  • Breeding oriented. A few starter breeds are available, but a majority will only be obtainable through breeding. Collect 'em all!
  • Rarities and variants (Not yet implemented)
  • User-friendly interface

-Extra Info-
Not a lot of features are on the site yet, but without a team I wanted to get feedback and suggestions from the userbase, so it's currently open alpha. All I ask from users that sign up is that they let me know of any bugs they find so I can fix them! It's very bland looking now, but I plan to change the layout later. Currently, the site is only compatible with computers.

Link to website

Dinocanid 10-02-2016 03:41 PM

I started to work on the festival grounds so seasonal adopts can become available, and I don't have much further to go. Meet Slyther the candy corn snake! He likes to get into the holiday spirit.
(Normal image)
(Slyther in his halloween outfit)
"Welcome to the Fessstival Groundss mortal. I am a scary dragon! I hope my costume iss not too sssspooky for you..."

LUC1G07CH1 10-11-2016 04:58 PM

It looks very nice! If you want someone to...color-in your site appearance....then i'm here.

Dinocanid 10-11-2016 05:16 PM

If you could help with the site appearance that would be nice! I've been to busy with the technical stuff and adoptables to get to it.

The site's going to look a bit wonky for a while since I'm trying to make a theme. So if you go to the site and there are odd colors and tables everywhere, that's why :veeee:
In addition to that, there are two new fall adoptables available: Pumpkat (The namesake actually comes from the cat, which is pumpkin flavored. Not the pumpkin on it's head.) Black Forest Dog (Has cherry filling and fluffy wool. Actually pretty snappy and is happiest when they are the center of attention.)

Dinocanid 11-17-2016 07:47 PM

As an update, there have been a few completed in the recent weeks:
The first one is a hunger/thirst system. They don't deplete yet, but it should be fully implemented soon. The second one is backgrounds! The only background so far is a simple cardboard box, since the art for the others are being worked on. (The background is not currently available in the shops yet)
Next we have the sidebar! Active pets will now say things from time to time and find currency for you. Later on, they'll be required in order to do certain activities such as exploring. Below that, there is a counter of how many species are available on the site so you can keep track of your collection.

The Festival Grounds now has a link to the event shop for the current month(s).
Karma is now on the site as well. It is gained by clicking adoptables and lost by eating them. It doesn't serve a purpose yet, but it will later be used to join associations and get exclusive items and babs from boxes.

The guidebook on the site has been updated. There is currently an "adoptable ID 0" bug on the profiles of users who haven't assigned a fav pet. If you get this error, just PM me and I'll fix it for you. I'm working on a permanent solution, but I haven't found one yet.

Bexasaurus 11-21-2016 08:13 PM

Signed up! Your idea for the site is awesome. Who doesn't love pets based on foods! :usedusedused:

Dinocanid 11-23-2016 10:55 AM

Thanks! ^^
Right now I'm working on "shelf space" so you can only have a max of 10 adoptables unless you upgrade your shelves. It's not done yet, but it does work for the adoption center so far.

Bexasaurus 11-25-2016 02:20 AM

Nice work! I've noticed you also changed the theme of the site as well.
Bug/Issue: Whenever I try to view my profile it gives me the following error: Adoptable ID 0 does not exist or does not belong to the owner specified...

Actually it gives this error for some members and others I can view.

Another issue is that the "go to my account" (link in the sidebar) is giving me a blank page...

edit: pm's are off to the far right

Dinocanid 11-25-2016 09:22 AM

Fixed them!
The adoptable ID 0 thing is an ongoing issue that I can't seem to find a fix for. It happens because new users don't automatically have a favpet when they sign up. I'm working on it though.

Dinocanid 11-25-2016 01:43 PM

I finished the adult stages of the cranberry tufted deer:
It'll be the first adoptable to have different male and female images.

Bexasaurus 11-25-2016 01:51 PM

Oh my gosh they are so lovely! When and where will these available?

Dinocanid 11-25-2016 01:56 PM

I plan on finishing all the baby and egg stages today since I have a bunch of free time. They'll be available in a regular pet/adopt shop.

Abronsyth 11-26-2016 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dinocanid (Post 35273)
Fixed them!
The adoptable ID 0 thing is an ongoing issue that I can't seem to find a fix for. It happens because new users don't automatically have a favpet when they sign up. I'm working on it though.

I'm not sure in what context you are having the error, but as I heavily rely on favpets for my site I have codes in place (thanks to various Mysidia users <3):
Example of an explore page (you need a companion to explore):
PHP Code:

if ((int)$profile->getFavpetID() == 0) { 
$document->addLangVar('It seems you do not yet have not assigned a companion! Assign one and then come back.'); 

Example of my sidebar:
PHP Code:

if ($profile->getFavpetID() == "0"){
$this->FavPetSB = new Paragraph
$this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<center><b>No Companion</b><br><a href=''>Choose one!</a></center>"));

I hope this helps?

Dinocanid 11-26-2016 10:42 AM

I'm getting it on the profiles of users who don't have a favorite pet. It looks like there's a code in class_userprofile to prevent the adoptable ID 0 error, but it either isn't working or I'm not reading it correctly and it actually doesn't help at all:
PHP Code:

$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image($favimg), TRUE); 

This is my full code:
PHP Code:


use Resource\Collection\LinkedList;

UserProfile extends Model{
// The user profile class, it has dependency over class Member and cannot exist on its own
public $uid;
  public function 
// Fetch the basic profile params for users
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$row $mysidia->db->select("users_profile", array(), "uid ='{$uid}'")->fetchObject();
// loop through the anonymous object created to assign properties
foreach($row as $key => $val){
$this->$key $val;         
// Successfully instantiate user profile object      
  public function 
$ccstats cancp($this->usergroup);
$this->username = ($ccstat == "yes")?"<img src='templates/icons/star.gif' /> {$this->username}":$this->username
  public function 
  public function 
  public function 
    public function 
  public function 
  public function 
  public function 
$adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($this->favpet); 
$favimg $adopt->getImage(); 
$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image($favimg), TRUE); 
  public function 
  public function 
  public function 
display($action ""$data ""){
            throw new 
Exception("Invalid profile tab...");         
  private function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("visitor_messages", array(), "touser = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}' ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 0, 15");
$stmt->rowCount() == 0){          
$vmList = new TableBuilder("vmessages"800FALSE);
$vmList->setHelper(new MessageTableHelper);
$vmessage $stmt->fetchObject()){
$sender $mysidia->db->join("users_profile""users_profile.uid = users.uid")
select("users", array(), constant("PREFIX")."users.username = '{$vmessage->fromuser}'")
$cells = new LinkedList;
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getAvatarImage($sender->avatar)));
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getVisitorMessage($vmessage)));
$mysidia->user instanceof Admin) or ($mysidia->user->username == $vmessage->fromuser)){
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getManageActions($vmessage->vid)));
  private function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$title = new Comment($mysidia->lang->basic.$mysidia->input->get("user"));
$membersince $mysidia->db->select("users", array("membersince"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'")->fetchColumn();     
$alignment =  $mysidia->db->select("users", array("alignment"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'")->fetchColumn();
$basicinfo "<br><strong>Member Since:</strong> {$membersince}<br>
                    Favorite Color: 
$document->add(new Image($this->avatar"avatar"100));
$document->add(new Comment($basicinfo));                    
  private function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$spotlight = new Comment("-Favorite Pet-");

$document->add(new Comment($this->about));

$title = new Comment("{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'s Pets:");

$stmt $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'");
$id $stmt->fetchColumn()){
$adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($id);
$document->add(new Link("levelup/click/{$adopt->getAdoptID()}"$adopt->getImage("gui"))); 
  private function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$friendlist = new Friendlist($user);
$document->add(new Comment("{$user->username} currently have {$friendlist->gettotal()} friends."));
  private function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");    
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();    
$member = new Member($mysidia->input->get("user"));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/web.gif""web"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->website));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/facebook.gif""facebook"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->facebook));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/twitter.gif""twitter"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->twitter));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/aim.gif""aim"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->aim));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/msn.gif""msn"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->msn));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/yahoo.gif""yahoo"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->yim));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/skype.gif""skype"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->skype));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/title.gif""Write a PM"));
$document->add(new Link("messages/newpm/{$mysidia->input->get("user")}""Send {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Private Message"TRUE));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/fr.gif""Send a Friend Request"));
$document->add(new Link("friends/request/{$member->uid}""Send {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Friend Request"TRUE));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/trade.gif""Make a Trade Offer"));
$document->add(new Link("trade/offer/user/{$member->uid}""Make {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Trade Offer"));  

  protected function 


Abronsyth 11-26-2016 03:07 PM

I compared my file to yours and the only major difference I can find is in the $this->favpet is what mine looks like:
PHP Code:

  public function getFavpet(){
$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image("levelup/siggy/{$this->favpet}"), TRUE); 

The only difference being the new Image section. Might try changing it just to be sure that's not the issue?

Dinocanid 11-26-2016 03:15 PM

That fixed it. Thank you!

Abronsyth 11-26-2016 03:38 PM

Awesome! I'm glad!

Have I mentioned that I love the concept, and the pets? So cute!

Dinocanid 11-27-2016 02:11 PM

The adult stages for the Blue Raspberry and Black Licorice dragons:

The Cranberry Tufted Deer was fully completed, but it's on hold since I having issues getting the adult male image to appear:

Bexasaurus 11-27-2016 04:06 PM

Ahhh, I love the dragons so much!!!
The baby deer is so cute. ouo

Dinocanid 12-02-2016 01:52 PM

These are the updates that will be added over the weekend:
  • Alpha rewards! They will be given to the most active alpha users. Once the beta stage comes, active beta users will be given exclusive rewards as well.
  • Backgrounds! They will be available in a decor shop on the market page.
  • Associations! Users can join either the GGBA or the GEBA to have access to exclusive shops for items, adoptables, and decor. You cannot be in both associations at once and each require a certain amount of karma. You must have at least 100 karma to join the GGBA and -100 karma to join the GEBA.
  • Less money. Yes, sadly your bab will no longer be able to find $500 for you, but it will be able to find you $25 at max! Clicking adoptables will also reward between 0-2 in currency.
  • Interaction and trust! Babs are actually quite small, no bigger than a hand. Wouldn't you be weary of such a giant when you're so edible? You will no longer be able to add a favorite pet to your sidebar unless their trust is at least 50%. How do you gain trust? Through interaction! Random events will appear on your pet's page. If you pick the right choice you gain some trust. Picking the wrong choice won't cause you to lose any, but this may change. The choices will also cause you to gain or lose karma.

Dinocanid 12-10-2016 10:50 AM
Associations have been introduced to the game! Joining one will give you access to the shop, which currently only has one adoptable available depending on which one you join: Blue Raspberry Dragon) Black Licorice Dragon)
Trust has been implemented as well. Now you can no longer add a pet to your sidebar unless it has at least 50% trust. Choosing the right option will reward you with trust and a 5 point karma boost. Choosing the wrong option will result in you losing 5 karma points.
The Cherry Cheesecake Dog is now available as a breed-only adopt! As usual, finding the right pair of parents is up to you, but I always leave visual clues to help you figure it out!
A bank has been added to the site so you can save up your money!*
While it was a work in progress before, you can now only hold up to 10 adopts at a time. Currently, expansions are not available but they should be soon. (I have 12 spaces so I could test the new adopts)
Slyther has a new costume for the holidays! There are no shops yet. Maybe in a few weeks?
Some sort of collection? It will act as a mix of achievments, collectables, and perk items.

Dinocanid 12-17-2016 05:17 PM

Two new babs are coming to the December event shop!:
The gingerbread bear and conecat. More are going to be coming out soon too, for both the event shop and regular shop, but these are the two being worked on right now.
Tea is coming close to being finished. They will operate like achievements/milestones. When you unlock one, you can drink it once for perks. (What perks I haven't decided yet)

Another thing that's coming that the game is currently lacking is items. What kind of items do you guys think would be useful?

Dinocanid 12-24-2016 03:36 PM

New It is now possible to buy extra shelf space! Now it is possible to click the plus (+) sign under your pantry stats to expand. The holiday adopt shop has now been opened as well. Tea collections will be the next to be released as soon as I can get statuses to update somehow.

Dinocanid 12-28-2016 09:44 PM

An encyclopedia is being added to the site. It will contain a "bestiary" entry for every bab, like so:

Not every species has been added yet, but you are able to visit the page.
In addition to that, tea has been added! Only 3 achievements are available right now, and they cannot yet be used.

Dinocanid 12-30-2016 11:33 AM

The cranberry tufted deer has finally been released. With both male and female images working as well! They're available in the bakery located under the adoptables tab.

The front page is starting to look pretty full! A social media bar has been added to the right and a new font is now being used. Soon, the front page will include a description of the site and images!

If you hadn't noticed, there is now a new section in the userbar that says "gems". This will act as a second currency that will be harder to receive. Currency conversion is planned, so you will be able to use your normal currency to buy rare currency later down the line.

Lastly, the guidebook is being updated to include the changes that have been made to the site.

Bexasaurus 12-30-2016 08:34 PM

That's awesome, going to adopt them right now! c:
I'm glad that there's going to be a gem conversion and I was curious what the rate is going to be?

Dinocanid 12-31-2016 06:33 AM

I was thinking 1000 = 1 or 500 = 1 since I'm working on adjusting the game's economy so 100 regular currency is expensive. Right now the average user has around 2000-3000, which is enough to buy everything in-game lol.

Dinocanid 01-08-2017 10:56 AM

In order to have an account on the forum, you must now await activation. This change was made because 7-8 out of 15 accounts were spam bots, and more continued to join.

Dinocanid 01-13-2017 10:58 AM

Alpha rewards are coming soon, along with a new type of pet!
A Blackberry Buck. This is a trophy adopt, meaning they don't have any growth stages and cannot be bred. Otherwise they function like normal adoptables.

As I said in my previous post regarding alpha rewards, they will only be gifted to the most active users during the alpha stage! Another alpha reward is planned later down the line.

Alpha rewards are passed out during the alpha stage only, rather than the end of the alpha stage.

Dinocanid 01-13-2017 08:39 PM

A rules page has finally been added to the site. They are located under the "Home" tab and a link has been added to the registration page; encouraging people to read it before signing up and that they agree to the rules if they register.

  Spoiler: The rules if you want to read them 
-Accounts and Registration-
  • Users are allowed to have only one (1) account on this website. This is to prevent cheating by transferring items/pets/currency between accounts.
  • Your useame and account biography cannot include any foul, explicit, or offensive language. Doing this once will result in a ban, while doing it a second time will result in account deletion.
  • Account impersinations will not be tolerated. Pretending to be another user or a staff member will result in account deletion.
-Freichat Ettiquet -
  • Offensive language (Slurs, hate speech, harrassment) is not allowed in the chat. Doing this will result in you losing your freichat privilages.
  • Sexual or explicit language (roleplay or otherwise) is not allowed in the chat. Doing so will result in a ban. Repeated offenses will result in account deletion.
  • Please do not spam the chat. This includes posting the same message multiple times and typing in all caps. The first few times will result in a waing, followed by a loss of freichat privilages.
  • Avoid starting arguments. Doing so will result in all involved losing their freichat privilages.
  • Do not beg for adoptables, items, or currency. The first few times will get a waing, follow by a loss of freichat privilages.
  • Do not name your pet anything explicit or offensive (This includes biographies as well). Doing so will result in the pet being deleted. Continued offenses will result in account deletion.
  • Please refrain from partaking in any promise-based transactions. (This includes giving away items, adopts, or currency in hopes of getting something in returm.) It is encouraged to use the site's trade function instead.
  • In addition to the above, users found to be scamming others will be banned, with repeated offenses leading to account deletion.
-Private Messaging and Visitor Messages-
  • Do not use the private messaging or visitor message system to harrass other users. Doing so will result in a ban. Continued offenses will result in account deletion.
-Explanations and exceptions-
  • It is recognized that some people have one computer (or multiple) in the same house, which can result in similar IP addresses if two different people want accounts. You will be monitored, but please feel free to PM a member of staff to make them aware of the situation.
  • Receiving multiple bans results in you being a "malicious member", which means your account gets deleted and your IP is recorded to prevent further registrations from you.

Bexasaurus 01-13-2017 09:00 PM

Nice updates dino! :usedusedused:

Dinocanid 01-15-2017 10:16 PM

Before we get started:
A new adoptable was released. The cookie cat! It's breed only, so it's up to you to find the right combination!

It's been a while since any major updates, so here's what I'm working on:
  • An explore system. Users will be able to let their favorite pet outside to find collectibles and items. You cannot endlessly explore, and will only be able take so many "steps" per day.
  • Alchemy system. It's been in place already for a while now, if you've notice the link in your inventory, but you can't craft anything yet. The name is still temporary, but it will most likely be functional when explore is finished, if not some time after. Users will be able to use the items they find in explore and in shops with the alchemy system.
  • A change to the way babs are obtained. This has been hinted to on the adoption center page for a while now, as it mentioned "fairy dust" and how it wasn't needed since they were already alive and ready to hatch. This was hinting to a sort of overhaul I was planning to do on how babs are raised. Here is a screenshot of the actual item, which is not publicly available yet:

The name of the item is always in quotations since it's not magical in any way. It contains chemicals that make the babs live, otherwise they're just fancy shaped foodstuffs. This item will be provided to newly registered users to help them get started (1 or 2 in total), otherwise it will be obtainable only through the alchemy feature and the gem shop (which currently does not exist).
Adoptables that have been bred or obtained from the adoption center do not need this item to start growing, but adoptables bought from the other shops will need this to grow; otherwise they will remain an egg/level 0 and cannot gain EXP.
  • Gems are not actual jewels, but rather a Gem Card. It looks like a credit card and the points it accumulates are valued higher than normal FoodDollars. The ratio is $200 = 1 gem. Gems will most likely be released after all the above features. Right now it is easy to obtain $200, so these will be available once it is harder to obtain that amount.

Silver_Brick 01-16-2017 10:49 AM

Wow nice update :D

Dinocanid 01-28-2017 09:31 PM

A sneak peak at 6 new adoptables coming soon to the site:

(From left to right) Cheese Mouse, Coati Swirl, Raspberry Cookie Rabbit, Curried Goat, Boar BQ, Border Trifle.
There's another dog adoptable coming that will be used to get the Border Trifle (which is breed only), but it isn't listed here.

Bexasaurus 01-29-2017 05:59 PM

Nice! I really like that boar as well. :happycbig:

Dinocanid 02-10-2017 09:59 AM

(This update will be rolled out over the course of the weekend. IE: Each adoptable and feature will be added gradually rather than all at once. Art still needs tweaking before release)
"What's this? It appears some new species of babs have escaped from the labs and are running rampant in the wild! Maybe you can find one to take home?"

  • Users will be able to take 20 steps in explore per day.
  • 7 new adoptables in total. (Cheese Mouse, Coati Swirl, Raspberry Cookie Rabbit, Curried Goat, Boar BQ, Border Trifle, and Kerry Blueberry)
  • 2 of the new adoptables, the coati swirl and boar BQ, will only be obtainable through explore, so you won't find them in any shops.
  • It's dangerous to go alone! Your favorite pet does it anyway though. If they happen to get injured, take a trip to the clinic to treat them. If their health drops below 60%, you won't be able to explore with them until they are healed.
  • Sickness! Your favorite pet can get sick from exploring outdoors. The only one present for now is the villainous mold! Every day that your pet is sick, their health will drop by 20% (that gives you 5 days to heal if they're perfectly healthy) If you fail to heal your pet before their health drops to 0, well...
  • Oh no, your pet has died! Well, "dead" in a sense. Your beloved bab is now a lifeless lump of deliciousness, but don't fret! If you can happen to get your hands on some "fairy dust", they'll be good as new! Too bad the stuff's not too easy to come by though...

Bexasaurus 02-11-2017 02:56 PM

Nice! I haven't been able to get on, primarily because I forgot my password. XD

Silver_Brick 02-11-2017 11:53 PM

We Have Fixed Our Userbar So It Will Not Show When User Is Logged Out And Same With Menu ( All Menu Will Not Appear Except Registration,Forum,Home )
  • Menu Is More Interactive
  • Menu Have Icons
  • Responsive Scrollbar

Abronsyth 02-12-2017 09:45 AM

It's looking great!

KrinklyKrisps 03-04-2017 03:16 AM

amazing! it's awsome

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