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RoconzaArt 02-02-2011 03:08 AM

Opinions on selling adoptables
I was talking on VPL about a thing that perplexes me. I said I didn't understand why people would pay $20 for a adoptable.

Do you think paying 20 dollars for adotable is absured like my self or would you pay $20 just to get a adoptable?

What if it came with site cash?

What would the adoptable have to have to make you pay over $5?

What do you think is a fair price?

Would you even buy a adoptable?


Now my opinion is bias because I would never pay over $2-3 for a adoptable.

DragonTamerChris 02-02-2011 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by RoconzaArt (Post 14200)
I was talking on VPL about a thing that perplexes me. I said I didn't understand why people would pay $20 for a adoptable.

Do you think paying 20 dollars for adotable is absured like my self or would you pay $20 just to get a adoptable?

What if it came with site cash?

What would the adoptable have to have to make you pay over $5?

What do you think is a fair price?

Would you even buy a adoptable?


Now my opinion is bias because I would never pay over $2-3 for a adoptable.

I honestly don't understand this ether. I don't see how a little pixel image on the internet would cost real money. :s I remember on this one I used to go on it had quite a few things you need to buy with Real money and to buy all of the things you can only get from buying with real money you need 360$. (Probably more since I haven't checked the site in about 2-3 months.)
You might have already guessed this, but, I would not buy an adoptable with real money, it's not worth it.

PTGigi 02-02-2011 11:22 AM

From what I've seen (from one site) adoptables were sold between $3-5 and (I don't
know why) but lots of people would buy them.

In addition, the site had $10 adopts that you could customize.

I've also seen a lot of sites/games that sell the site's currency for money. And I've seen those go from $10 packs to $50 packs ._.

Basically I'd say it depends on the adoptable. $2-3 seems like a good amount ut if there is something special about the adoptable (i.e. animated might be more like $5, customizations might be a bit more) then you should charge a bit more.

Personally I'd never use my money to buy and adoptable (as I have managed to get purchasable adopts on websites via trading), but you definitely don't want to go to high.

Bloodrun 02-02-2011 11:41 AM

Paying real money for a digital image is practically absured, however, in site money is a different story.

PTGigi 02-02-2011 12:10 PM

@Bloodrun-It does seem rather strange but I've been on a website where they sell different adoptables nearly weekly/monthly ._. And I mean they sell hundreds of these things for $3 D: There's enough people willing to pay for it that people consider it. :coloness:

Kyris 02-02-2011 07:51 PM

In a game I play on, it's somewhat commonplace to see adoptables being sold for $10+. I myself have paid $100+ for certain adoptables.

Does it sound silly? I suppose so. But then again, this is why; I love art. I absolutely adore seeing the characters that I have created into something that's tangible. I like seeing how the artists interpret my descriptions in their own way.

It's pretty much the equivalent of me going to, say, and then commissioning one of the high-quality artists there to make a picture of one of my characters. Do note though that all "pets" are all uniquely coloured and made so not one are the same (With the exception of twins and triplets. Yes, they breed too ^^).

It also helps when the artist is amazingly talented ;)

I also run some where people are willing to pay $15 a piece. In this particular occasion, I get a lot of requests from people to dedicate the adoptables to passed on family members, friends, and even pets. There are also people who want to create their own persona in animal form.

I guess overall, it just depends on how you look at things :)

Oh, and here is an example of what people pay money for (I got mine with a custom pose as a staff member).

Lupinus (Anthro form of the Lupines)

Examples of lupines themselves (Yes, these two are cosplays XD );

RoconzaArt 02-02-2011 09:09 PM

I'm talking about a premade adoptable not a custom adoptable.

Kyris 02-03-2011 04:47 AM

Well, I was directing my reply to those who said they can't understand paying for a digital image, so my first thought was adoptables including the custom made ones.

So yea... with premades in mind, I suppose that it depends on the adoptable itself, and the way you view its role :D Going through a couple of your questions now!


Do you think paying 20 dollars for adotable is absured like my self or would you pay $20 just to get a adoptable?
*grins* Is it worth $25+ to obtain a Celestial Steed in WoW? (God god god I'm such a nerdy gamer geek)

Yea, some people do think, "But WoW is completely different to adoptables!" I guess you could say that, but in the end, aren't they both pixels on a screen?

Again, some people might say, "The gameplay is *totally* different" (XD I had a huge debate about this with a friend of mine). But then again, it's up to you whether or not the game delivers something that you enjoy.

WoW to me is awesome, because I love the whole "WHOA" graphics, gameplay, going crazy trying to heal a full raid party and the whole social competitive thing. But then again, I love pokemon with its, "Aww so cute! Gotta run around in the grass for a billion times to get that darn shiny evee!"

I love Starcraft as I'm a sucker for RTS, but I am also completely obsessive over an online pony sim breeding game. All different types of games, but all fulfilling my love for games.

Which kinda leads to...


What would the adoptable have to have to make you pay over $5? What do you think is a fair price?
Celestial Steed? $25? Give me. Now.

Limited edition pet? Looks awesome? Into the backyard you go.

Pet with boosted stats so I can fight better, explore more and better immerse myself into the game? Count me in!

Fair price? It would depend on what they offer. Celestial steed (It does count as a premade! XD) lets me run away from allies. Definitely worth about $50 to me, though upon checking it seems to be worth in the 100s.

A limited edition pet I could go for about $10-$20, IF the artwork is good enough and if the pet is limited enough. For example, only giving out 25-50 to a gamer base of 1K. For customization, again depending on the art, I'd be willing to go up to $100+. As for why, I mentioned it in my previous post :)

As for something that makes me play more effectively coupled with amazing artwork, I'd happly pay from $5 to $20, also depending whether or not it's limited.


Would you even buy a adoptable?
^^ Already have XD

RoconzaArt 02-03-2011 10:04 AM

Sorry but I have to disagree, I don't care how awesome the adoptable is I can't see justifying paying $10-20 one only one adoptable that is not a custom work of art.

PTGigi 02-03-2011 02:31 PM

Mrf I hope what I said wasn't taken the wrong way XD

I get why people would do it but I myself do not see a point for me to personally do it. I don't have the money (well I do but I save it up for CDs and other stuff XD).

But as you were getting at it really depends what you are getting.

Additions for games tend to run a bit higher, yes, I have bought stuff for video games (L4D2 stuff mostly XD I also bought a few Spore additions back when the community wasn't crappy) because they add that extra interactive feature and you have to pay for the coding and designing and all. Also listening to me may not be the best because I'm only saying what I've seen which isn't that much adoptable-wise XD

But my opinion is that premade, unchangable adoptables shouldn't cost as much as custom adoptables. It also depends on the site as a blob of purple shouldn't be super expensive while the art you posted above I can certainly see why it is more expensive than most places I've been on.

Kyris 02-04-2011 06:12 AM

*pats* No wrong way at all!

*nods* I do believe though that if the art is subpar and has nothing real special to it, I completely agree with you that even $3 is a bit much to ask for! I have been on several pet sites/adoptables though that have me flabbergasted and I totally agree with you on your points. There are a few I can think of that require you to fork out real money just for a simple recoloured. And then many people buy them and... they're not limited anymore :Q:

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