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MeinKat 12-23-2014 09:25 PM

Blank pages [partly solved]

I installed this script a while ago, and have had so many errors. I am now finished with trying to fix it myself :mii:

My site will always show up blank, all pages. I have reinstalled the script numerous times, wiped the MySQL Database, reset the website domain, and even created a new web hosting account in attempt to get this working. I have followed all the steps in the Youtube tutorial.

The installer works perfectly, it's just that my website always shows up blank :hmmm:

I am currently using x10hosting, and my website can be found here:
edit:removed the link because I am not using the Mysidia Adoptables script anymore.

When I use the 'Check' in the MySQL database thing, it comes up with an error. It always came up with this error each time I reinstalled it, and to no avail.
  Spoiler: error thing here 
An issue with the database was found:

[kyandiiw_database.adopts_acp_hooks] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_adoptables] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_adoptables_conditions] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_ads] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_breeding] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_breeding_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_content] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_daycare_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_filesmap] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_folders_messages] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_friend_requests] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_groups] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_inventory] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_items] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_items_functions] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_levels] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_levels_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_links] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_messages] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_modules] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_online] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_owned_adoptables] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_passwordresets] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_pound_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_pounds] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_promocodes] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_shops] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_shoutbox] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_themes] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_trade] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_trade_associations] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_trade_settings] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_users] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_users_contacts] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_users_options] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_users_profile] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_users_status] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_visitor_messages] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_vote_voters] status: OK
[kyandiiw_database.adopts_widgets] status: OK

[If it helps, the database name is kyandiiw_database, and the database user us kyandiiw_MeinKat]

As you can see, the database is finding errors within ALL the tables, and I don't seem to understand why. The tables themselves seem to be working fine, because my user from the SQL database is there. I have ran a few queries I found on the Internet, but I am not fully sure about what happened. Most of the time an error with the code I put in came up as Error #1064.

All the files are viewable/editable/there in the File Manager thing as well.

To make sure, when the installer asks for the database user, it's the one you created in the MySQL database, right? I'd assume so, since it worked, but I'd just like to know in case.

I am sorry if this sounds confusing, but please bear with me, I have very little knowledge of coding outside of CSS and HTML. I have spent countless hours researching and scouring the forums. It was today I decided to sign up and ask for help, so I would appreciate anything I could get :happycbig:

Thanks, MeinKat :meow:

Kyttias 12-23-2014 10:34 PM

*sigh* At this point, as far as I can tell by the sheer number of people complaining since this summer, the best solution is to simply not use x10 hosting anymore. People have been reporting the site works fine perfectly well installed anywhere else but there, possibly due to a change in how x10 hosting operates over the summer. (But I strongly assume whatever problem x10 has it's only impacting some, but not all, of their servers.)

However, please read through these possibly relevant posts - [x], [x], [x], [x]

About the only other thing we can do to help is to ask to see your inc/config.php file to make sure it is configured correctly. :mii:

MeinKat 12-23-2014 11:25 PM

I think I'm going to have to switch regardless because x10hosting is now having problems with my sign in :desudesudesu: It won't let me access anyting at all anymore :littlecfrown:

I read through almost all of those earlier >.<'

It's configured correctly as far as all tutorials go, with my database name/user/pass all entered correctly. Even if I wanted to show you, x10 isn't letting me log in. I'll move the host like you suggested, and report back.

Thanks for the help :usedusedused:

IntoRain 12-24-2014 09:13 AM

The blank page is probably due to the issue Kyttias mentioned, and not database related. At least most blank pages on x10hosting right after installing are because of that. They changed their root so it doesn't link to the proper place anymore, you gotta manually change it. I understand you will change host, but if you want to stay with x10hosting, open the file class_path.php (should be inside path folder) and search this line:

PHP Code:

$this->root getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT').SCRIPTPATH."/";  //getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT') is not the path we want anymore 

Substitute it with:

PHP Code:

$this->root "/home/kyandiiworld/public_html/"

MeinKat 12-28-2014 09:54 PM

Thanks, IntoRain.
However, even after I changed it, it failed to show up.
I moved the host to, but the PHP version isn't up to date so I get an unexpected T_STRING error for the namespace\Resource line. I can't force the 000webhost team into upgrading the PHP version, unfortunately :ti:

So, do you have any recommended (free) webhosts? (other than x10, of course :eye:)

If this next time doesn't work, then I think I'll give up on installing the script altogether. I might try another version, but it doesn't look as if it'll work.

Abronsyth 12-29-2014 10:18 AM

000Webhost also does not support pet sites, so that's another reason it wouldn't work.

I use iPage, but you have to pay (though it's super cheap). Good and free can be very hard to find, haha, I've used x10hosting (didn't work), (awesome but I wanted a domain name), and others I've since forgotten. I can say that paying is really worth it if you're looking for reliable hosting and up-time, but I understand why you'd want to hold off.

I know nothing of this one, but you can check it out? FreeHostia?

IntoRain 12-29-2014 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by MeinKat (Post 31791)

Thanks, IntoRain.
However, even after I changed it, it failed to show up.

Did the /installation page fail to show up? The site won't show up until you go through the installation process.
x10hosting isn't that bad honestly, if we figure out what isn't working for you. 00webhost doesn't let you have adoptable sites on them, at least they didn't some time ago.

For other host suggestions

MeinKat 12-29-2014 01:28 PM

I will try 99webs for now, and if that doesn't work I will think about switching to a paid host. I'll be sure to check out FreeHostia later :meow:

Yes, the installation page does show up, but everything else is still blank. I changed the root to link it properly, but it's still not showing up :el: I don't think 000webhost has upgraded anything, so it's likely that it doesn't support adoptable sites :p

Thanks for everyone's help, I appreciate it! :happycbig:

Kyttias 12-29-2014 02:19 PM

Have you considered developing your site offline for a while? It's what I'm doing. The down side is that I can't show anyone outside of my local network, but this is due to the limitations of my router, not the concept itself (my last router worked fine, but I had a different internet service provider then). However, I've really enjoyed being able to host the site myself and work locally on it - I can even work on it without an active internet connection, which has made long waits in my car much more tolerable (since I've gone and set it up on my laptop).

I've gone the localhost route because I know my site won't be ready for launch until I've dedicated enough time to it. Once it's ready, it's as simple as backing up the database and moving files over to real hosting.

I use WAMP, because I have Windows, and there are a few simple setting tweaks I know of to get Mysidia up and running. But I've also heard of many alternatives, all ending in -AMP, standing for Apache, MySQL, and PHP, for these are the backbones of most servers. There's also LAMP for Linux, MAMP for Macs, and XAMPP which has a package for each of these and a few other flavors of OS.

As for sharing a site hosted on your own computer with others - if you've ever had to port forward through your router to get a Minecraft server to play online with your friends, the concept is extremely similar.

Anyway, this is just my personal preference as an alternative to free hosting.

It will be a long time before I'm ready to make the jump to paid hosting and I will be extremely selective about the process, as many hosts that offer free top-level domains will forever be the owners of those domain names, not you, and you will never be able to get them to relinquish your name if you want to switch to another host. Be careful out there when you agree to fine print in terms of service.

IntoRain 12-29-2014 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by MeinKat (Post 31794)

Yes, the installation page does show up, but everything else is still blank. I changed the root to link it properly, but it's still not showing up :el: I don't think 000webhost has upgraded anything, so it's likely that it doesn't support adoptable sites :p

Thanks for everyone's help, I appreciate it! :happycbig:

Did you go through the installation process though? Everything will be blank until you install it (just making sure!)

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