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AlexC 04-15-2012 11:55 AM

[WANTED] Beta Testers and Rattery Owners
So I'm looking for some people to help me with my site - I need two things; beta testers and Rattery owners.

+ Beta Testers will receive 1,000 nibbles (cash) and a bonus pet at the end for their efforts. I just need you to go around the site and nit-pick.

+ Rattery owners is somewhat more permanent; I'm looking for a few people to own "ratteries", which is basically kinda like being a breeder. You get to pick a few rats (or just one) which isn't available anywhere else on the site. You will get an adult pair or two of these rats, which you breed and sell to people via the trading station. You pick prices and get to use NPCs and everything if you'd like. I can't really offer you anything for this, except the free rats you breed of course, but you do get to make your own money. :D

SilverDragonTears 04-15-2012 12:18 PM

Me!!! What do I need to do?

AlexC 04-15-2012 12:20 PM

Which would you like to do? xD Both is acceptable.

SilverDragonTears 04-15-2012 12:24 PM

What's the point of a rattery breeder? I know what they do but why do they do it?

AlexC 04-15-2012 12:31 PM

Just to offer variety of choice basically. I didn't want to have the adoption center overflowing with different types and hiding all of those promo codes would have killed me over time, so I thought, just let the members do some of the work, right? Besides, it promotes member interaction and coming back to the site; checking for orders or seeing what new ratteries have (since they could have any type of updating pattern, as appose to the one rat a week thing I'm planning to do).

It's also from realistic undertones again - breeders account for a pretty large presentage of rats in private hands. Basically, you get them from snake food breeders, pet stores that bred their own or from breeders (some of whom are actual breeders and others who are just idiots). Breeders also account for what passes as pedigree or healthy lineage.

Plus, when I was first doing this site and would ask people what they wanted, everyone had completely different answers, so I was just like "screw this" and made ratteries. Want a certain type? Breed it yourself! :D

SilverDragonTears 04-15-2012 01:34 PM

I'll try out being a breeder then... might not know what I'm doing. But I'll try it :)

AlexC 04-15-2012 01:47 PM

Alright then. :3 Would you like to be a beta tester as well, or just a breeder?

If you give me a few minutes, in the ratties forum I'm going to making a list of premade rats not yet added - you can pick from those or mix and match and create your own. I'll run you through the process once you've decided what rats you want and how many and so on.

SilverDragonTears 04-15-2012 02:32 PM

I'm not sure if I'll really have time to help test, so probably not :( What thread should I be looking in?

Aasixx 04-15-2012 03:08 PM

I would love to be a breeder. :3
.. and a beta tester.

AlexC 04-15-2012 04:12 PM

The thead isn't finished due to me having to leave (i'm on my ipod at Boston Pizza) but if you go to the community tab on the main site, go to the forum, to the ratties ftw category, "add new rats" forum and the "completed rats" thread you'll see the finished self and masked.

Welcome aboard Aasxix. :3 I'll give you your nibbles later tomorrow when I get home. If you'd like to have a look and see if you like any rats in the completed rats thread you can.

I still need to add hooded, bareback, english irish, capped and blazed. But you can get an idea of colors at least.

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