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BMR777 07-13-2008 05:41 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
No, you cannot use multiple scripts with subdomains because the server won't be able to map some subdomains to one directory and others to another directory. In my script you have public_html > mybb for the script directory. So when someone types in it looks for the files in public_html > mybb because of .htaccess. Now if you had both public_html > mybb and public_html > phpbb there would be no way for the server to tell which directory to go to for the files, mybb or phpbb. The only way it would work would be to have a "middle-man" file that determines which folder to send requests to, but this would take a lot of modding and may not even work.


Ajof 08-01-2008 03:21 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts

Originally Posted by BMR777
Yeah, Crissic seems really good. I've been thinking about moving some things over to them. Currently I am on two hosts, Hostevery for some domains, like and then Othello for the domain. This is a nice setup though because if one site goes down I can still offer support through the other. I've been thinking of moving the domain to Crissic though because Othello is UK based, so I pay in Euros, and me being American the price keeps going up as the dollar falls. :)


Ive just signed up for a vps with them :) at $10 a month or there abouts its a bagain and im getting 30GB space and 600GB bandwidth along with 256MB dedicated ram :)
Also registered the domain with them :)

powerchaos 08-09-2008 01:15 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
nice :)

this is a late response ( i finaly read this topic and i dint even saw that they are calling my name o.O )

i still offer hosting (cheap and maybe free , depends for what you need )

the way i aim hosting is mybb 1.4 for sub domain and all the others as a dir becouse the .htacces that makes it inposseble to host on differend sub domains (mod_rewrite) or i need to put them on differend cpanels ( differend accounts ^^ and differend .htacces but that makes it hard to explain how to do it )

so far i dont got any problems whit it and i dont got trouble whit my host (they allow freehosting of any kind , as long i dont use 21% of cpu for longer then XX seconds , need to see it in the tos)

before i got a other host ( a little time ago ) and they arent that good , they even deleted my complete website whit everything on it ( 5 full days of work o.O ) becouse they coulnd handle my mybb 1.2 forum

so thats why i changed to free forum hosting now , becouse they broke down my bisness whit paid hosting
if intresting in the host you dont need to choose , then here is the name :

the main i aim doin now are forums , but if needed i goin start again whit freehosting and paid hosting

@BMR777 , by me is it just the other way , i live in belguim and i pay in dollar o.O
how cheaper the dollar is for me how better it is for me (not for you ) and that makes it that i can buy cheap (expensive in dollar) stuff that i never can pay in belguim (like 200$ for a vps or so = 100€ for me or so )

Greets From The Crasher

MyBBSkinz 08-27-2008 10:42 AM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
Brandon, regarding Crissic mate, I would not recommend them at all. I know the owner, Skylar, not personally but have had dealings with him. He is 15. If you do a search at on them you will find a lot of negativity there.
My advice, speaking as a hosting provider for coming on 3 years, is stay clear of Crissic.

powerchaos 08-27-2008 11:02 AM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
@brandom , i figured it out why i dont get trouble whit my 5 sub dir forums and they works perfect ( and )

i got even serperated 404 errors of each dir

the secret is the htacces files in each dir instead on the root

i dont know if every host can do it this way but for me it works and that makes me happy :)


it all depends what they can provide to you , even if it is a 12 year old boy that sells dedicated servers
if they can provide you the support you need and even can garantie that your server will be online and that you can acces it 24/7 (not whit maint ofcourse ^^ ) then its a good host

if they cant do that (like i got 1 ) then it makes a bad host , specialy if they cant provide both of them (no good support and not even a good uptime )

if you see to me , i sell hosting of differend kinds (resellers and freehost and forum .... ) and i aim just 19 years old

but i can provide the support they ask for and if i cant do it then i ask my host for the support and that makes me a good host becouse the host that provide me the support i need

its not easy to explain it what i mean (i aim just complicated ^^ )

but i hope you can understand it a little what i mean ??

Greets From The Crasher

Ajof 08-27-2008 03:20 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
I've been with crissic for almost a month now and skylar has been very helpful with everything. See treat people with respect and they respect you. I have read a lot of negative posts on crissic and one in particular starts with an unmanaged client sating "Broken. Fix it." makes me think... But yeah I understand he is young but surly in this day and age were not going to be ageist about things! I would never have known he was that young if there weren't all these posts as he always seems very professional. He lightens up though after a while if your chatty enough :D

Chasingu 09-28-2008 02:29 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
Im using creative hoster. It works. But, i need them to fix my httpd.conf

OceanLove 09-29-2008 06:45 AM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts

Their dedicated servers aren't bad too :D

Briannecv 03-13-2009 08:50 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts
i think server complete is out of my price rage i am looking to pay by the month like 15/20 dollars something like that.

powerchaos 03-13-2009 09:28 PM

RE: MultiForums Friendly Hosts

Originally Posted by Briannecv
i think server complete is out of my price rage i am looking to pay by the month like 15/20 dollars something like that.

there are freehosters out there , but most of the time they just use 1 server whit about a lot of persones on it ( as mutch as posseble)

i was hosted by 1 of them to a long time ago

then , it depends what you want to like to have

a cpanel (shared hosting) , a reseller (to sell hosting = cpanel) , a MASTER reseller (to sell resellers = cpanel) , a vps (virtual private pc = your own comp , but its cpu/mem is shared by other users) or a dedicated comp ?? ( full for you only )

the prices are , just global prices like they are betwean them
cpanel = betwean the 0.59$ (yes me :s ) and the 3$ per month
resellers = 2$ ( me , a exeption) 5$ - 15$
a master reseller = 20$ - 50$
a vps = 15$ (me soon) and 120$
a dedi pc = 95$ - 999$

that are just the prices betwean a global range , just to show , it arent the prices you see on the net , but they are betwean them but not higher i guess :s

now , whats the most common problem what you get to choose from ??
a freehost doesnt "care" about you , not all to mutch but still a little (you can become a client :) )

a cheap paid host doesnt mean that it is bad , but they are ralery to find a good 1 , most of the time they just exist , try to get rid of it , they got a bad name and try to sell stuff and so on
there are exeptions of that , but from the 6 hosts i got is there only 1 host that does what it need to do ( range from 45$ and 70$ per year ^^ and the 70$ provide perfect support and the 45$ doesnt do a thing :S)

the most inportant thing of a host is his support and accuatie of the support (you ask for hosting and you get gaming info ?? w*f does that have to do whit the other thing ??)

then the downtime , the most needed thing
if a server is down for 1 - 2 days , all your clients are away (trust me ) exept if they like you that hard that they dont leave (they know you come back = BMR777 his forum :P)

and then the price , depending on location is it a rip off and on the other side not
if it is ameraca for 3$ -20mb space = ripp off
if it is nl = 1€ ( 1.4$) for 100 mb space , then you can say that it isnt a rip off , because its more expensive here then in america

but then you need to know something of it :)

so the point what i mean whit this story that goes offtopic but still isnt off topic ??

well , just take a look around , search before you buy and think of what you need , do you need something good ?? or something cheap
do i need something fast ?? or do i got plenty of time to search ??
what the budget i got and whats what i want to do

i forgot to thell 1 more thing
most of the times do you think that you can take a reseller :) , woot ^^ creating other accounts of cpanel and selling them (whit your own forum , upgrading is that calling)
now the problem whit that
the most hosts allows you only a limited number of cpanel accounts (like 5 cpanel accounts , there goes your business :S)

so if i am allowed to post here
here is the link of me :)
it isnt complete ready yet , in case you are intrested in it , just go to the client arena and start there your order (because website is still under construction)

Thank you for Reading this post :)
Greets From The Crasher
ps: press siggy , then your on the right place :)

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