Conversation Between elfhome and Hall of Famer
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
Oh hi there, welcome back.
You are very welcome, good works deserve attention and appreciation. You will get used to it, dont worry.
I am glad you like it. I'm having trouble getting used to the new drawing style.
I saw your site already, it looks nice so far and your art skills are just amazing.
No worries, this is a brand new start anyway and I hope you enjoy. Again its so great to have you here, fellow college students.
I did choose to post an intro. You are right, I think I joined initially quite early on and then had to re-sign up. My memory is quite foggy...
Oh I see, it was even before I joined RA. XD Anyway you may want to post an intro thread, but this depends on you.
Also the cash system in Mys/RA v1.1.0 does not work well if your table prefix is not adopts_ , I posted an updated version Mys v1.1.1, which should fix all these issues.
Hello. I did post one or two times on the old board but I sort of consider myself new because it has been so long. Now I am a bit more serious about all of this and I can pretend I know what I'm doing... :D
Welcome to Mysidia Adoptables Elfhome, you seem to be an old member from RA era.