Need a skilled writer to write a plot, an adventure, a story? Well you've got one!
Just purchase this Chibi Writing Ticket, and you've got yourself a piece with around 3,000 words!
(3,000 words = as close as I can get, e.g. it might be 2825 or 3183 etc.)
If you need more writing, then just buy another one.
You can use writing tickets for anything to do with writing, either improving your work, starting from scratch etc.!
NOTE: I do not do poems or unsuitable content for all audiences ._.
Once bought, please PM ChibiKawaii with the following form:
Type of writing: (e.g. story, introduction, improvement of your own work etc.)
If it's an improvement of your own work please insert here:
NOTE: No credit needs to be made where this is used, so ignore that bit on the ToS for THIS item only. HOWEVER, this does not mean you can say you wrote it, if anyone asks you who wrote it, you must say: ChibiKawaii.
Terms of Service (click to view)