View Full Version : Real pet website?

05-24-2009, 12:02 AM
Hi everyone, I'm just a bit younger than water, however your script looks like fun. Could someone explain the big idea behind this, how it actually works?
From my understanding, admin can enter a few characters into the gallery, showing the evolution of the character.
I don't really understand why anyone would create an account and pick one of the characters and ask or wait for someone to come back on the site daily just to click on that? Could anyone clarify?

On the other hand, if a user would be able to post their own pet, let's say a cat or a bird, it would create some kind of competition and they would do everything to see their darlings first in top.

So, the way I see this kids script is: as an admin, you can create some free adoptables by default and link them to some popup advertising or something and on the other hand allow users to upgrade to a premium membership where they could add their own pet, with real pictures.
Of course the pics should be approved by admin to keep the site clean, right?

Brandon, you can encourage people to become your premium members by just adding some adoptables to download so that they can start the site immediately after install.

Also, could you create a bridge between your adoptables and one of the forums you know so well, mybb or AEF, with mutual user login and some kind of points transfer?

05-24-2009, 12:29 AM
You can in fact use these adoptables anywhere on the internet. A user will come to your site adopt a pet and then, in there own terms mass produce the product. Meaning that the link and image they get from their myadopts.php file will be put on orums and other sites(thats one of the reasons use the adoptables features, is for forums). This in return gives both consumer and the 'company' ample growing rates. People use a scriot to get better publicity for their site, while at the same time giving publicity to Brandon. Each of his scripts feed off a general audience. Thus gaining revenue/publicity/and the chance for others to do the same.

I would type more but im currently using a Eee PC, these are really hard to type on.

05-24-2009, 03:43 PM
Basically the script is meant for virtual pets. I didn't think of people using their own live pets, but that would be interesting. Honestly, I don't really understand virtual pets all that much, I just started this script because someone challenged me to make it and then it grew exponentially in popularity. :)

I will most likely release a MyBB forum bridge within the next few weeks or months, maybe to the public or maybe as a Premium modification. :)

05-26-2009, 09:38 AM
If you really want to try to understand a little of the popularity of these virtual pets. Stop by Pets Galore at http://www.petsgalorespa.net and look through the nursery's. The links to all of them can be found at the top of the page.

Just this weekend my staff had to empty some of the databases because it was time for a "pet cleaning" we cleaned out over 69,000 Valenth pets, 18,000 Dragon Cave pets and 36,000 Unicreatures pets just to get those 3 nurseries cleared out some. We generally have to wipe most of the nurseries at least once every 6 weeks and that is with staff constantly cleaning out "adult" pets daily.


05-27-2009, 03:00 AM
Basically the script is meant for virtual pets. I didn't think of people using their own live pets, but that would be interesting. Honestly, I don't really understand virtual pets all that much, I just started this script because someone challenged me to make it and then it grew exponentially in popularity. :)

I will most likely release a MyBB forum bridge within the next few weeks or months, maybe to the public or maybe as a Premium modification. :)

guess, virtual pets are "more'upgraded" than pets on adoptable sites.
because you can interact with them, like feeding them, playing with them.. just like tamagotchi.

please make more mods for free users :)

05-27-2009, 09:03 AM
Basically the script is meant for virtual pets. I didn't think of people using their own live pets, but that would be interesting. Honestly, I don't really understand virtual pets all that much, I just started this script because someone challenged me to make it and then it grew exponentially in popularity. :)

I will most likely release a MyBB forum bridge within the next few weeks or months, maybe to the public or maybe as a Premium modification. :)

guess, virtual pets are "more'upgraded" than pets on adoptable sites.
because you can interact with them, like feeding them, playing with them.. just like tamagotchi.

please make more mods for free users :)

He's not the one that makes the mods. We are, hes the one that brings it all together and answers your questions ;)

06-02-2009, 11:18 AM
Thank you all for answering.
Mybb forum for phpadoptables would be great.

07-07-2009, 03:05 AM
I'm working on an easy feeding script.