View Full Version : Foodbabs! (Open alpha)

10-01-2016, 06:35 PM
(As a side note, I don't know if this belongs in the sites showcase since it doesn't seem done enough for it? This can be moved if it has to.)

Foodbabs! My very first try at doing anything involving adoptables. They're adorable, lovable food animal hybrids.

http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/picuploads/png/SF.png http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/picuploads/png/14ceba6c13befcefc9382b960f308dce.png http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/picuploads/png/63b165420b6c438cc0810051f59f61b0.png
A few of the available starters

All of the editing and art is currently being done by me, so progress isn't exactly fast, but my goal for the site is to be charming and memorable; and a bit unique.


Seasonal adopts that can only be obtained through the event shop.
Pet shows and contests (Not yet implemented)
Luck and karma system (Partially implemented)
Integrated forum
Breeding oriented. A few starter breeds are available, but a majority will only be obtainable through breeding. Collect 'em all!
Rarities and variants (Not yet implemented)
User-friendly interface

-Extra Info-
Not a lot of features are on the site yet, but without a team I wanted to get feedback and suggestions from the userbase, so it's currently open alpha. All I ask from users that sign up is that they let me know of any bugs they find so I can fix them! It's very bland looking now, but I plan to change the layout later. Currently, the site is only compatible with computers.

Link to website (http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/)

10-02-2016, 03:41 PM
I started to work on the festival grounds so seasonal adopts can become available, and I don't have much further to go. Meet Slyther the candy corn snake! He likes to get into the holiday spirit.

(Normal image)

(Slyther in his halloween outfit)
"Welcome to the Fessstival Groundss mortal. I am a scary dragon! I hope my costume iss not too sssspooky for you..."

10-11-2016, 04:58 PM
It looks very nice! If you want someone to...color-in your site appearance....then i'm here.

10-11-2016, 05:16 PM
If you could help with the site appearance that would be nice! I've been to busy with the technical stuff and adoptables to get to it.

The site's going to look a bit wonky for a while since I'm trying to make a theme. So if you go to the site and there are odd colors and tables everywhere, that's why :veeee:
In addition to that, there are two new fall adoptables available:
http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/picuploads/png/2e1d3073ae5f085bdc0f0a2d4e8bd71f.png Pumpkat (The namesake actually comes from the cat, which is pumpkin flavored. Not the pumpkin on it's head.)
http://adopttest.mysidiahost.com/picuploads/png/BFD.png Black Forest Dog (Has cherry filling and fluffy wool. Actually pretty snappy and is happiest when they are the center of attention.)

11-17-2016, 07:47 PM
As an update, there have been a few completed in the recent weeks:
The first one is a hunger/thirst system. They don't deplete yet, but it should be fully implemented soon. The second one is backgrounds! The only background so far is a simple cardboard box, since the art for the others are being worked on. (The background is not currently available in the shops yet)

Next we have the sidebar! Active pets will now say things from time to time and find currency for you. Later on, they'll be required in order to do certain activities such as exploring. Below that, there is a counter of how many species are available on the site so you can keep track of your collection.


The Festival Grounds now has a link to the event shop for the current month(s).

Karma is now on the site as well. It is gained by clicking adoptables and lost by eating them. It doesn't serve a purpose yet, but it will later be used to join associations and get exclusive items and babs from boxes.

The guidebook on the site has been updated. There is currently an "adoptable ID 0" bug on the profiles of users who haven't assigned a fav pet. If you get this error, just PM me and I'll fix it for you. I'm working on a permanent solution, but I haven't found one yet.

11-21-2016, 08:13 PM
Signed up! Your idea for the site is awesome. Who doesn't love pets based on foods! :usedusedused:

11-23-2016, 10:55 AM
Thanks! ^^
Right now I'm working on "shelf space" so you can only have a max of 10 adoptables unless you upgrade your shelves. It's not done yet, but it does work for the adoption center so far.

11-25-2016, 02:20 AM
Nice work! I've noticed you also changed the theme of the site as well.
Bug/Issue: Whenever I try to view my profile it gives me the following error: Adoptable ID 0 does not exist or does not belong to the owner specified...

Actually it gives this error for some members and others I can view.

Another issue is that the "go to my account" (link in the sidebar) is giving me a blank page...

edit: pm's are off to the far right

11-25-2016, 09:22 AM
Fixed them!
The adoptable ID 0 thing is an ongoing issue that I can't seem to find a fix for. It happens because new users don't automatically have a favpet when they sign up. I'm working on it though.

11-25-2016, 01:43 PM
I finished the adult stages of the cranberry tufted deer:
http://orig06.deviantart.net/1d34/f/2016/330/0/f/fctd_by_hoafan-dapo8wc.png http://orig01.deviantart.net/b8ef/f/2016/330/a/d/mctd_by_hoafan-dapo8wa.png
It'll be the first adoptable to have different male and female images.

11-25-2016, 01:51 PM
Oh my gosh they are so lovely! When and where will these available?

11-25-2016, 01:56 PM
I plan on finishing all the baby and egg stages today since I have a bunch of free time. They'll be available in a regular pet/adopt shop.

11-26-2016, 07:40 AM
Fixed them!
The adoptable ID 0 thing is an ongoing issue that I can't seem to find a fix for. It happens because new users don't automatically have a favpet when they sign up. I'm working on it though.

I'm not sure in what context you are having the error, but as I heavily rely on favpets for my site I have codes in place (thanks to various Mysidia users <3):
Example of an explore page (you need a companion to explore):
if ((int)$profile->getFavpetID() == 0) {
$document->addLangVar('It seems you do not yet have not assigned a companion! Assign one and then come back.');

Example of my sidebar:
if ($profile->getFavpetID() == "0"){
$this->FavPetSB = new Paragraph;
$this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<center><b>No Companion</b><br><a href='http://inekel.mysidiahost.com/account/profile'>Choose one!</a></center>"));

I hope this helps?

11-26-2016, 10:42 AM
I'm getting it on the profiles of users who don't have a favorite pet. It looks like there's a code in class_userprofile to prevent the adoptable ID 0 error, but it either isn't working or I'm not reading it correctly and it actually doesn't help at all:
$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image($favimg), TRUE);

This is my full code:

use Resource\Collection\LinkedList;

class UserProfile extends Model{
// The user profile class, it has dependency over class Member and cannot exist on its own
public $uid;
public $username;
protected $avatar;
protected $bio;
protected $color;
protected $about;
protected $favpet;
protected $gender;
protected $nickname;
protected $alignment;

public function __construct($uid){
// Fetch the basic profile params for users

$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$row = $mysidia->db->select("users_profile", array(), "uid ='{$uid}'")->fetchObject();
// loop through the anonymous object created to assign properties
foreach($row as $key => $val){
$this->$key = $val;
// Successfully instantiate user profile object

public function formatusername(){
$ccstats = cancp($this->usergroup);
$this->username = ($ccstat == "yes")?"<img src='templates/icons/star.gif' /> {$this->username}":$this->username;
return $this;

public function getAvatar(){
return $this->avatar;

public function getBio(){
return $this->bio;

public function getColor(){
return $this->color;
public function getAlignment(){
return $this->alignment;

public function getFavpetID(){
return $this->favpet;

public function getFavpetInfo(){
return $this->about;

public function getFavpet(){
$adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($this->favpet);
$favimg = $adopt->getImage();
$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image($favimg), TRUE);
return $this->favpet;

public function getGender(){
return $this->gender;

public function getNickname(){
return $this->nickname;

public function display($action = "", $data = ""){
case "vmessages":
case "aboutme":
case "adopts":
case "friends":
case "contactinfo":
throw new Exception("Invalid profile tab...");

private function vmessages(){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$stmt = $mysidia->db->select("visitor_messages", array(), "touser = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}' ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 0, 15");
if($stmt->rowCount() == 0){
$vmList = new TableBuilder("vmessages", 800, FALSE);
$vmList->setHelper(new MessageTableHelper);
while($vmessage = $stmt->fetchObject()){
$sender = $mysidia->db->join("users_profile", "users_profile.uid = users.uid")
->select("users", array(), constant("PREFIX")."users.username = '{$vmessage->fromuser}'")
$cells = new LinkedList;
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getAvatarImage($sender->avatar)));
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getVisitorMessage($vmessage)));
if(($mysidia->user instanceof Admin) or ($mysidia->user->username == $vmessage->fromuser)){
$cells->add(new TCell($vmList->getHelper()->getManageActions($vmessage->vid)));

private function aboutme(){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$title = new Comment($mysidia->lang->basic.$mysidia->input->get("user"));
$membersince = $mysidia->db->select("users", array("membersince"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'")->fetchColumn();
$alignment = $mysidia->db->select("users", array("alignment"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'")->fetchColumn();
$basicinfo = "<br><strong>Member Since:</strong> {$membersince}<br>
Association: {$alignment}<br>
Gender: {$this->gender}<br>
Favorite Color: {$this->color}<br>
Nickname: {$this->nickname}<br>
Bio: {$this->bio}";

$document->add(new Image($this->avatar, "avatar", 100));
$document->add(new Comment($basicinfo));

private function showalladopts(){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$spotlight = new Comment("-Favorite Pet-");

$document->add(new Comment($this->about));

$title = new Comment("{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'s Pets:");

$stmt = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "owner = '{$mysidia->input->get("user")}'");
while($id = $stmt->fetchColumn()){
$adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($id);
$document->add(new Link("levelup/click/{$adopt->getAdoptID()}", $adopt->getImage("gui")));

private function getfriends($user){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$friendlist = new Friendlist($user);
$document->add(new Comment("{$user->username} currently have {$friendlist->gettotal()} friends."));

private function contactinfo($contacts){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();
$member = new Member($mysidia->input->get("user"));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/web.gif", "web"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->website));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/facebook.gif", "facebook"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->facebook));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/twitter.gif", "twitter"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->twitter));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/aim.gif", "aim"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->aim));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/msn.gif", "msn"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->msn));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/yahoo.gif", "yahoo"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->yim));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/skype.gif", "skype"));
$document->add(new Comment($contacts->skype));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/title.gif", "Write a PM"));
$document->add(new Link("messages/newpm/{$mysidia->input->get("user")}", "Send {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Private Message", TRUE));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/fr.gif", "Send a Friend Request"));
$document->add(new Link("friends/request/{$member->uid}", "Send {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Friend Request", TRUE));
$document->add(new Image("templates/icons/trade.gif", "Make a Trade Offer"));
$document->add(new Link("trade/offer/user/{$member->uid}", "Make {$mysidia->input->get("user")} a Trade Offer"));

protected function save($field, $value){


11-26-2016, 03:07 PM
I compared my file to yours and the only major difference I can find is in the $this->favpet line...here is what mine looks like:
public function getFavpet(){
$this->favpet = ($this->favpet == 0)?new Comment("None Selected"):new Link("levelup/click/{$this->favpet}", new Image("levelup/siggy/{$this->favpet}"), TRUE);
return $this->favpet;

The only difference being the new Image section. Might try changing it just to be sure that's not the issue?

11-26-2016, 03:15 PM
That fixed it. Thank you!

11-26-2016, 03:38 PM
Awesome! I'm glad!

Have I mentioned that I love the concept, and the pets? So cute!

11-27-2016, 02:11 PM
The adult stages for the Blue Raspberry and Black Licorice dragons:
http://i.imgur.com/fGfRYTc.png http://i.imgur.com/fahjcoh.png

The Cranberry Tufted Deer was fully completed, but it's on hold since I having issues getting the adult male image to appear:
http://i.imgur.com/e2g0WC1.png http://i.imgur.com/vNdKIbS.png http://i.imgur.com/rH17DvJ.png http://i.imgur.com/28j9Pts.png

11-27-2016, 04:06 PM
Ahhh, I love the dragons so much!!!
The baby deer is so cute. ouo

12-02-2016, 01:52 PM
These are the updates that will be added over the weekend:

Alpha rewards! They will be given to the most active alpha users. Once the beta stage comes, active beta users will be given exclusive rewards as well.
Backgrounds! They will be available in a decor shop on the market page.
Associations! Users can join either the GGBA or the GEBA to have access to exclusive shops for items, adoptables, and decor. You cannot be in both associations at once and each require a certain amount of karma. You must have at least 100 karma to join the GGBA and -100 karma to join the GEBA.
Less money. Yes, sadly your bab will no longer be able to find $500 for you, but it will be able to find you $25 at max! Clicking adoptables will also reward between 0-2 in currency.
Interaction and trust! Babs are actually quite small, no bigger than a hand. Wouldn't you be weary of such a giant when you're so edible? You will no longer be able to add a favorite pet to your sidebar unless their trust is at least 50%. How do you gain trust? Through interaction! Random events will appear on your pet's page. If you pick the right choice you gain some trust. Picking the wrong choice won't cause you to lose any, but this may change. The choices will also cause you to gain or lose karma.

12-10-2016, 10:50 AM
Associations have been introduced to the game! Joining one will give you access to the shop, which currently only has one adoptable available depending on which one you join:
http://orig00.deviantart.net/1e62/f/2016/345/3/6/blueegg_by_hoafan-dar9ehn.pnghttp://orig00.deviantart.net/0dda/f/2016/345/4/b/bluehatch_by_hoafan-dar9ehj.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/fGfRYTc.png(GGBA Blue Raspberry Dragon)
http://orig07.deviantart.net/d4d3/f/2016/345/a/a/blackegg_by_hoafan-dar9ehw.pnghttp://orig06.deviantart.net/6ee7/f/2016/345/2/4/blackhatch_by_hoafan-dar9ehu.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/fahjcoh.png(GEBA Black Licorice Dragon)

Trust has been implemented as well. Now you can no longer add a pet to your sidebar unless it has at least 50% trust. Choosing the right option will reward you with trust and a 5 point karma boost. Choosing the wrong option will result in you losing 5 karma points.

The Cherry Cheesecake Dog is now available as a breed-only adopt! As usual, finding the right pair of parents is up to you, but I always leave visual clues to help you figure it out!

A bank has been added to the site so you can save up your money!*

While it was a work in progress before, you can now only hold up to 10 adopts at a time. Currently, expansions are not available but they should be soon. (I have 12 spaces so I could test the new adopts)

Slyther has a new costume for the holidays! There are no shops yet. Maybe in a few weeks?

Some sort of collection? It will act as a mix of achievments, collectables, and perk items.

12-17-2016, 05:17 PM
Two new babs are coming to the December event shop!:
http://orig15.deviantart.net/b7a3/f/2016/352/0/b/gbbear_by_hoafan-das1yfy.png http://orig14.deviantart.net/3a40/f/2016/352/0/3/conecat_by_hoafan-das1yg2.png
The gingerbread bear and conecat. More are going to be coming out soon too, for both the event shop and regular shop, but these are the two being worked on right now.

Tea is coming close to being finished. They will operate like achievements/milestones. When you unlock one, you can drink it once for perks. (What perks I haven't decided yet)

Another thing that's coming that the game is currently lacking is items. What kind of items do you guys think would be useful?

12-24-2016, 03:36 PM
New It is now possible to buy extra shelf space! Now it is possible to click the plus (+) sign under your pantry stats to expand. The holiday adopt shop has now been opened as well. Tea collections will be the next to be released as soon as I can get statuses to update somehow.

12-28-2016, 09:44 PM
An encyclopedia is being added to the site. It will contain a "bestiary" entry for every bab, like so:


Not every species has been added yet, but you are able to visit the page.

In addition to that, tea has been added! Only 3 achievements are available right now, and they cannot yet be used.

12-30-2016, 11:33 AM
The cranberry tufted deer has finally been released. With both male and female images working as well! They're available in the bakery located under the adoptables tab.


The front page is starting to look pretty full! A social media bar has been added to the right and a new font is now being used. Soon, the front page will include a description of the site and images!

If you hadn't noticed, there is now a new section in the userbar that says "gems". This will act as a second currency that will be harder to receive. Currency conversion is planned, so you will be able to use your normal currency to buy rare currency later down the line.

Lastly, the guidebook is being updated to include the changes that have been made to the site.

12-30-2016, 08:34 PM
That's awesome, going to adopt them right now! c:
I'm glad that there's going to be a gem conversion and I was curious what the rate is going to be?

12-31-2016, 06:33 AM
I was thinking 1000 = 1 or 500 = 1 since I'm working on adjusting the game's economy so 100 regular currency is expensive. Right now the average user has around 2000-3000, which is enough to buy everything in-game lol.

01-08-2017, 10:56 AM
In order to have an account on the forum, you must now await activation. This change was made because 7-8 out of 15 accounts were spam bots, and more continued to join.

01-13-2017, 10:58 AM
Alpha rewards are coming soon, along with a new type of pet!
A Blackberry Buck. This is a trophy adopt, meaning they don't have any growth stages and cannot be bred. Otherwise they function like normal adoptables.

As I said in my previous post regarding alpha rewards, they will only be gifted to the most active users during the alpha stage! Another alpha reward is planned later down the line.

Alpha rewards are passed out during the alpha stage only, rather than the end of the alpha stage.

01-13-2017, 08:39 PM
A rules page has finally been added to the site. They are located under the "Home" tab and a link has been added to the registration page; encouraging people to read it before signing up and that they agree to the rules if they register.

-Accounts and Registration-
Users are allowed to have only one (1) account on this website. This is to prevent cheating by transferring items/pets/currency between accounts. Your useame and account biography cannot include any foul, explicit, or offensive language. Doing this once will result in a ban, while doing it a second time will result in account deletion. Account impersinations will not be tolerated. Pretending to be another user or a staff member will result in account deletion.
-Freichat Ettiquet -
Offensive language (Slurs, hate speech, harrassment) is not allowed in the chat. Doing this will result in you losing your freichat privilages. Sexual or explicit language (roleplay or otherwise) is not allowed in the chat. Doing so will result in a ban. Repeated offenses will result in account deletion. Please do not spam the chat. This includes posting the same message multiple times and typing in all caps. The first few times will result in a waing, followed by a loss of freichat privilages. Avoid starting arguments. Doing so will result in all involved losing their freichat privilages. Do not beg for adoptables, items, or currency. The first few times will get a waing, follow by a loss of freichat privilages.
Do not name your pet anything explicit or offensive (This includes biographies as well). Doing so will result in the pet being deleted. Continued offenses will result in account deletion. Please refrain from partaking in any promise-based transactions. (This includes giving away items, adopts, or currency in hopes of getting something in returm.) It is encouraged to use the site's trade function instead. In addition to the above, users found to be scamming others will be banned, with repeated offenses leading to account deletion.
-Private Messaging and Visitor Messages-
Do not use the private messaging or visitor message system to harrass other users. Doing so will result in a ban. Continued offenses will result in account deletion.
-Explanations and exceptions-
It is recognized that some people have one computer (or multiple) in the same house, which can result in similar IP addresses if two different people want accounts. You will be monitored, but please feel free to PM a member of staff to make them aware of the situation. Receiving multiple bans results in you being a "malicious member", which means your account gets deleted and your IP is recorded to prevent further registrations from you.

01-13-2017, 09:00 PM
Nice updates dino! :usedusedused:

01-15-2017, 10:16 PM
Before we get started:
A new adoptable was released. The cookie cat! It's breed only, so it's up to you to find the right combination!

It's been a while since any major updates, so here's what I'm working on:

An explore system. Users will be able to let their favorite pet outside to find collectibles and items. You cannot endlessly explore, and will only be able take so many "steps" per day.
Alchemy system. It's been in place already for a while now, if you've notice the link in your inventory, but you can't craft anything yet. The name is still temporary, but it will most likely be functional when explore is finished, if not some time after. Users will be able to use the items they find in explore and in shops with the alchemy system.
A change to the way babs are obtained. This has been hinted to on the adoption center page for a while now, as it mentioned "fairy dust" and how it wasn't needed since they were already alive and ready to hatch. This was hinting to a sort of overhaul I was planning to do on how babs are raised. Here is a screenshot of the actual item, which is not publicly available yet:


The name of the item is always in quotations since it's not magical in any way. It contains chemicals that make the babs live, otherwise they're just fancy shaped foodstuffs. This item will be provided to newly registered users to help them get started (1 or 2 in total), otherwise it will be obtainable only through the alchemy feature and the gem shop (which currently does not exist).
Adoptables that have been bred or obtained from the adoption center do not need this item to start growing, but adoptables bought from the other shops will need this to grow; otherwise they will remain an egg/level 0 and cannot gain EXP.

Gems are not actual jewels, but rather a Gem Card. It looks like a credit card and the points it accumulates are valued higher than normal FoodDollars. The ratio is $200 = 1 gem. Gems will most likely be released after all the above features. Right now it is easy to obtain $200, so these will be available once it is harder to obtain that amount.

01-16-2017, 10:49 AM
Wow nice update :D

01-28-2017, 09:31 PM
A sneak peak at 6 new adoptables coming soon to the site:


(From left to right) Cheese Mouse, Coati Swirl, Raspberry Cookie Rabbit, Curried Goat, Boar BQ, Border Trifle.
There's another dog adoptable coming that will be used to get the Border Trifle (which is breed only), but it isn't listed here.

01-29-2017, 05:59 PM
Nice! I really like that boar as well. :happycbig:

02-10-2017, 09:59 AM
(This update will be rolled out over the course of the weekend. IE: Each adoptable and feature will be added gradually rather than all at once. Art still needs tweaking before release)
"What's this? It appears some new species of babs have escaped from the labs and are running rampant in the wild! Maybe you can find one to take home?"


Users will be able to take 20 steps in explore per day.
7 new adoptables in total. (Cheese Mouse, Coati Swirl, Raspberry Cookie Rabbit, Curried Goat, Boar BQ, Border Trifle, and Kerry Blueberry)
2 of the new adoptables, the coati swirl and boar BQ, will only be obtainable through explore, so you won't find them in any shops.
It's dangerous to go alone! Your favorite pet does it anyway though. If they happen to get injured, take a trip to the clinic to treat them. If their health drops below 60%, you won't be able to explore with them until they are healed.
Sickness! Your favorite pet can get sick from exploring outdoors. The only one present for now is the villainous mold! Every day that your pet is sick, their health will drop by 20% (that gives you 5 days to heal if they're perfectly healthy) If you fail to heal your pet before their health drops to 0, well...
Oh no, your pet has died! Well, "dead" in a sense. Your beloved bab is now a lifeless lump of deliciousness, but don't fret! If you can happen to get your hands on some "fairy dust", they'll be good as new! Too bad the stuff's not too easy to come by though...

02-11-2017, 02:56 PM
Nice! I haven't been able to get on, primarily because I forgot my password. XD

02-11-2017, 11:53 PM
We Have Fixed Our Userbar So It Will Not Show When User Is Logged Out And Same With Menu ( All Menu Will Not Appear Except Registration,Forum,Home )

Menu Is More Interactive
Menu Have Icons
Responsive Scrollbar

02-12-2017, 09:45 AM
It's looking great!

03-04-2017, 03:16 AM
amazing! it's awsome

03-07-2017, 05:44 PM
It's been a while since any updates, especially since I got a cold around the time I initially expected to release the explore update. Now I bring you an ETA! Most of the stuff I've been working on is either internal or art, so you wouldn't notice any changes, but the release date (approximately at least, may be earlier or slightly later) for explore has been pushed back to March 20, the first day of spring! Hope you guys can hang in there until then.

03-11-2017, 07:29 PM
Here's a screenshot of the upcoming explore page, which might come earlier than expected. I'm thinking about adding an overlay to show how many steps you have left.

03-12-2017, 10:20 PM
Ahhh, the coati swirl is A+ :happycbig:

03-18-2017, 03:38 PM
Explore has officially been added! The amount of steps has been increased to 40, since 20 seemed too short. The pets themselves aren't hard to run into, but it isn't easy to get one! It may take you a quite few tries if you aren't lucky.

Also, if you are getting this screen:
Clear your cache to fix it.

03-26-2017, 01:59 PM
Bouncing ideas off the walls here, I'm thinking that, based on their encyclopedia entry, adoptables of that type with sometimes have random events to correspond with it.

Spaniel Flan: Will need to be groomed more often than other pets, when/if grooming is added.

Eggsotic Shorthair: Might pop up in a random spot on your page on occasion.

Hotdach: When/if grooming is added, the ability to remove the bun will be possible.

Ragamuffin: Possibly take care of baby adoptables? (baby babs would need to be difficult to care for somehow...)

Black Forest Dog: A random item might be removed from the inventory if the mood drops below 30% maybe? (There would need to be a vault or something to protect items.)

Chowchowder: Grooming not needed? (Or maybe grooming needed less often)

Apple pom: Trust is easier to gain.

Cranberry Tufted Deer: Make use of the unused battle system? They seem to like tussling.

Gingerbread Bear: A chance to get items from the sidebar. (More valuable items would be rare)

Pumpkat: The possibility of the pumpkin getting destroyed in explore, once disease and injury gets added. (It would be rare, like 5% or something)

Cookie Cat: Trust is harder to gain

Cherry Cheesecake Dog: Extra steps in explore

There's no telling when or if some of these are going to be added, but I'm thinking about ways to make it work.

03-29-2017, 02:44 PM
I think I figured out a way for a pet's mood to go down every day using a date function, but it only goes down when you visit their page/profile (So none of the bars can go down if you don't visit your pet) Unfortunately, this means that the pets are basically "frozen" when it comes to needs if you don't visit them, making the frozen function only work for clicks (I want it to work for needs too eventually). I'm not sure if it works yet, but I'll keep checking back to see if the mood is going down every day.

Update #1: It's conflicting with the explore system since it uses the same variable (which checks the date before updating your "lastday"), So I'm going to split the needs date variable into a separate thing to see if that works better.

04-13-2017, 06:44 PM
Overhaul time! While it is not coming today or tomorrow, I am on spring break. This means that I'll be able to get a considerable amount of work done.

You might be asking: what happened to the adopt overhaul? (sickness, death and "fairy dust") That will require more work on the needs system than I have done right now in order to work the way I want it to, so that update on the site has been put on hiatus. Hang in there!

Here is what I have planned for this current overhaul, which makes use of what I can do currently.

Introducing a new variable on pets: Energy. Training and entering contests will take energy (as well as exploring), and once your pet's energy hits 0 you won't be able to explore or enter contests until the next day. So regardless of whether you've explored that day or not, if you don't have at least 25% energy you won't be able to explore. Use energy wisely!

-NPC contests-
I don't have the knowledge to make live multiplayer contests between players, but it isn't too difficult to make NPC opponents to go against in contests. To make use of the unused stats on pets (they are there, but no visible as of right now), whether or not you will be slightly random based on the stats. So if you enter, say, a race then a higher speed stat will increase your likelihood of winning, but it will never be 100% guaranteed. Finally there will be another reason to breed pets besides breed-only adopts! This will also make use of the needs system, so low mood or unhealthy pets will not be able to enter contests or train.

Winning a contest will allow you to move on to the next difficulty level. They are structured like so:

Regional (North, East, South, West)

Each level has the basic ranks: Beginner --> Intermediate --> Pro --> Championship. You must win each rank to move on.

Possibly the most major aspect of this besides contests. Users will be able to choose which part of the world the get to live in. This will affect the adoptables, items, and contests available to you. So sadly you will not be able to get a kangaroo adopt unless you chose Australia or bought it from another user. This in-game world will be divided into counties, cities, regions, and countries. Each will have their own leaderboard, to add incentive to winning contests. Imagine having your pet be the #1 competitor in the world! It replicates the real world, with all the major countries and cities, but counties will be fictional to avoid any issues that could be related to that. I plan to have area-specific explore zones as well.

What if you want to move though? Well you can, though it may be expensive! The farther away your next destination is, the more it will cost to move there. But beware! Moving will make you start from square one on the contest ranks, so it's back to county beginners with you! The bright side is that you keep all of your winning trophies. Maybe you can strive to get all the trophies from all over the world!

-Player Shops-
Since users will only be able to buy pets available to them in their region (besides the starters, which will be available everywhere), users will be able to sell their pets to other users by setting up a shop. Want a pet but you can't get it where you live? Buy one from a user who has it! Or get lucky and find one in the pound (which is universal), your choice. Each user shop will be able to have a custom description, prices, residence tax (you get to choose if non-local buyers have to pay a higher fee), and shop owner NPC (basically an image). Sell your prized pets!

04-30-2017, 12:38 PM
A picture of the interactive world map. Canada, US, Europe, and the UK are going to be the places I'm focusing on getting done first; and will be the first playable places. The other locations probably aren't coming until the beta stage.

I updated the css a bit too, so there should be no more issues with the favorite pet image poking out of the sidebar and the main index image doing the same. Now it scales with your screen and window size and should work better with smaller screens, but it will still look funky on mobile devices.

06-06-2017, 02:29 PM
With residence being close, I created a survey to allow users to have a hand in the new species that will come with it.

Directions: Select at least 1 (with a maximum of 3) animals from the links provided (UK (https://a-z-animals.com/animals/location/europe/united-kingdom/)|AUS (https://a-z-animals.com/animals/location/oceania/australia/)|CAN (https://a-z-animals.com/animals/location/north-america/canada/)|US (https://a-z-animals.com/animals/location/north-america/united-states/)) and come up with a wacky food combination to merge it with. The animals that appear most frequently will be chosen to be added to the site, while the food it is combined with will be randomly chosen from the entries (if more than one for the same animal exists). Having more than one entry with the same information will not count.

Link to Survey (https://goo.gl/forms/SJ2wn95lTdciRB6p1)

06-07-2017, 09:00 AM
Oh, nice! I'll hopefully have enough time to fill this out today if not tomorrow. :colonu:

06-10-2017, 01:48 PM
We now have a trello board! Now you can view the progress of current updates and future, unannounced updates!

Link to trello (https://trello.com/b/ckcX9AFE/foodbabs-development-roadmap)

06-10-2017, 05:46 PM
I just logged in for the first time in a while, oops XD So as you want some feedback from bug testing, etc, I will list a few things I found while exploring :)

Okay first off I went to my pantry to check my pets and play with them all. (cause they need my attention lol XD) I noticed that 'sex' on their profiles isn't displaying their gender and the button for removing the background is partially covering the buttons above it. And while on the profiles the avatar is a broken link (though I have this issue on my own site, so I've got a post on the mysidia help section at the moment).

Next I checked out the tea collection because I was curious about achievements lol XD That seems really cool! Especially the tooltips part! (Though I did adopt the newer adopts and another hotdach to get to 10 adoptables to unlock one and it would be really cool if it sent you a PM when you unlock one, or to notify you to check your achievements, because if I hadn't have been looking to specifically get it I probably wouldn't have noticed lol)

Then I played with the newer ones to get my karma up to 100 to join the GGBA and I successfully did! Though as I bought the new adopts and some balls from the shop I can't afford the dragon yet XD So I went exploring to get more money and thought I'd do the quest with Snuffles (that I remember from my signing up exploration a few months ago XD) but he is telling me that I have already done the quest today, even though I haven't been on his page. I did visit the holiday shop to adopt a bear, if that would help with bug fixing.

The last two things are that if you click 'remove background' while no background is selected it sends you to an error page, but it might be easier if it just told you that no background is equipped, and also I clicked explore and it sent me to an error XD (I know it's in progress, though, and that's why c:)

And that's about it! I haven't really explored anywhere else yet XD Hope that helps ^_^

EDIT: I've been able to adopt 11/10 pets ^_^ My shelf space has gone past the limit. Might have had to do with me getting enough money for a dragon and buying it? Maybe something to do with the shop itself ^_^

06-10-2017, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I'm actually thinking of removing backgrounds until I can refine it because the way I have it now is pretty messy and there are lots of display issues.
Pet genders not showing is actually resolved with newer pets, but pets that were adopted/bred before the bug was fixed are still bugged. I haven't been able to go through all the old ones yet.
Profile images are acting really weird for me, some show getimagesize errors, others white page errors, broken images... The list goes on. I'll have to look into a better way for users to add profile pictures without the links breaking anything.
A notification PM for achievements sounds like a good idea, but I would have to edit the way it works since it actually doesn't acknowledge that you earned an achievement until you visit the page (IE: When you visit the achievement page, there are several if statements that show the proper achievements when you meet the conditions) I could make it so the site is constantly checking for these conditions, but I'm not sure how that would be done.
The Snuffles quest is definitely bugged. It's probably with the way I have it check if the user completed the quest that day. I think it's using the same "lastday" variable as the explore page, so if the user explored that day then they can't do the quest and probably vice versa. All I need to do is separate them and it should work fine. I never got any error messages when visiting the explore page though, do you remember what it said?

06-10-2017, 06:31 PM
I was just about to update my post on it actually XD I think it's because I haven't set a favourite pet yet. I had the issue on my site. It throws you an uncaught exception that adoptable id 0 isn't displayed properly or something. I didn't read it at first lol XD But I recognise the error aha.

(Also updated my post about being able to adopt more than 10 pets, though my 11th was the blue raspberry dragon from the shop so it might be an issue with the shops rather than the pantry shelf spaces not working XD)

06-11-2017, 11:54 AM
Just logged in for today! And the pantry spaces haven't stopped me from adopting more than allowed (as I thought it might have been because I bought the blue dragon before). :usedusedused:


Also, how do you get the health up? XD I know you can buy balls for mood but some of my adopts have like really low health from me not logging in and doing stuff with them, whoops.

Also! XD I'm going to be more active because I want that deer adopt :angrygrin: Mwahaha

EDIT: Another thing I just noticed, I went to the associations page (I'm in the good one) and because all my money is in the bank it says underneath that I can't afford membership, however I'm already in it :) Just to let you know ^_^

06-11-2017, 06:24 PM
You can't raise health yet, but pets can't die either so there's nothing to worry about, lol. I think I fixed the pantry bug, but I might make a topic for the bank because I can't figure out why it's adding.

06-11-2017, 06:26 PM
Ah okay! XD Glad to know I won't lose them lol

06-13-2017, 10:45 AM
I spent the day yesterday making a shiny new theme for the site:


Made with Bootstrap 3
Finally mobile-friendly!

Safely view the site from any phone or tablet
Improved for small screens and laptops as well

This theme is also completely optional, so you can continue using the classic theme if you still want to. The site content has been adjusted to work the same on both themes without display issues or breaking.
Note: The classic theme still has display issues with smaller screens and is not mobile-friendly.

-How do I change my theme?-
Just click on 'edit my account' on the sidebar (later the UserCP from the navbar) and select 'Change Style'.

-Other news-
Pet sorting has been added to the site and variants are being tested. (You can find a berry flan and pumpkinless cat on my profile)
The survey will be open for the rest of the week before closing. Thank you everyone that participated!
The holiday shop will be closing soon to make way for the summer shop (it's long overdue). A spring adoptable will be included to make up for the missed spring. After the summer shop opens, all seasonal shops will no longer be manually opened and closed by me; they will automatically rotate.

06-13-2017, 12:12 PM
Looking good :D Automatically rotating shops is a brilliant idea XD Less work for you XD

EDIT: This error popped up on my header on FoodBabs:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_widget.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 2

Just to let you know lol

06-13-2017, 12:27 PM
Oh yeah, I fixed it. That was showing up because I was trying to add a new module to the right sidebar and I ran into a syntax error lol.

06-13-2017, 12:36 PM
Aha, okay XD

My Coati Swirl hatched yay

06-19-2017, 08:25 PM
Here are two of the new adoptables coming to the summer shop!
http://orig08.deviantart.net/4ec8/f/2017/170/c/c/dolphana_by_hoafan-dbdbgug.png (Dolphana)
http://orig14.deviantart.net/a32f/f/2017/170/7/c/sharkermelon_by_hoafan-dbdbgue.png (Sharkermelon)
Both adoptables were suggested in the survey, but neither are native to just one part of the world nor do they have a specific origin point (Like how lions live in africa). However, the ideas were too good to pass up, so they get a place in the summer shop instead of region-specific shops.

-In other news-
The survey is now closed and public pet profiles have been added to the site! The summer shop should open within the next few days and the regional adopts are being worked on.

06-23-2017, 08:25 PM
Awesome! :D

Also I have a problem >.> I ate my active pet (as I'm trying to remove the ones that have a messed up gender lol. For some reason it would sometimes say they were female but change to male occasionally?? Really weird XD)... and now it throws me an error that the active pet can't be found. XD I forgot the script did this lol

06-23-2017, 09:08 PM
I think I'll make it so you can't eat your active pet, lol. Then you'll have to remove them beforehand and it won't try looking for a deleted pet.
EDIT: I fixed the error for you too by setting your favpet ID back to 0.

06-23-2017, 09:10 PM
Okay XD That sounds handy lol would you be able to fix my account for me? >.> It won't let me on it now XD Sorry XD

EDIT: Thank you lol XD

06-26-2017, 02:47 PM
More members are joining XD

have I earned alpha reward yet

hehe jk :happyfaic: :happyfaic:

EDIT: 7 new members ^-^

EDIT 2: 10 woo XD And someone commented and said the pets were cute lol

Hall of Famer
06-26-2017, 04:19 PM
Yeah, the pets and their artwork are especially good, its amazing work really.

06-26-2017, 05:02 PM
Aww thanks :happycbig:

06-27-2017, 06:29 AM
They are very cute XD And someone else has commented and said they'll be joining and that they love the cheese mice lol XD

06-27-2017, 02:33 PM
"Sssurfs up human! Ready to catch ssssome rayss?"

The summer shop has opened with 3 new adopts! The previously mentioned sharkermelon and dolphana, and the new harrot! (To make up for the missed spring)

Festival rotation is automatic now, so don't expect to see the summer shop open once the summer is over!

06-28-2017, 10:47 AM
Awesome! And a few more people have joined from my posts XD Someone has enquired about friending other users. So I just said you can but the link isn't available just yet lol

06-28-2017, 11:23 PM
Hey there! Took me a while, but I've added your site to a sister sites page for advertisement thanks to all your help!

You can see it here if you'd like - Sister Sites (http://mythirius.com/pages/view/sistersites)

Sister sites was all that came to mind, if you think a better name suits, just let me know. Loving the artwork too! Been a bit busy but I'll be jumping back online soon!

Congrats on all the users too! You're doing an amazing job :)

06-30-2017, 05:49 AM
@dinocanid - i have coded few things and organized your bootstrap view ^^
more things will be updated soon :)

06-30-2017, 04:37 PM
Stats have been completed! Pets obtained from the shops or promocodes will have all of their stats at 10 by default. Now you can breed for higher stats! That stuff will be important once contests roll around. Some users got lucky with the old system (which chose a random number between 10 and 100) and have high stats already. All new pets are no longer generated this way and follow the new system.

@silver_brick: Thanks!

07-17-2017, 07:05 PM
The site has successfully migrated to x10 hosting. The site is now available at foodbabs.x10host.com. Logins still work, and everyone's pets should still be there. If you made any progress after July 16 (before the move), that progress may have been lost.

A new forum will be created with a better look, but it will no longer be integrated with the accounts on the main site. Thanks for everyone that stuck with us through these technical difficulties!

08-25-2017, 12:13 AM
After some delay, I have finished the graveyard and revival update!


The first thing I would like to mention are: Gems! This was a feature I mentioned long, long ago, but it's finally here! Gems act as premium currency for the site, and can only be obtained by converting your FoodDollars. I picked the current conversion rate based on how much money all of the users had, and most had less than $2000. The current conversion options are:

$1000 -> 1 Gem
$5000 -> 5 Gems
10,000 -> 10 Gems

This page can be accessed from the bank.

Next is the graveyard. Once your pet's health reaches 0, they disappear from your pantry and move here.


It is also now possible to purchase "Fairy Dust", which will revive your babs with 100% fullness, health, and mood. This shop can be accessed from the gem conversion page.

Here are some other minor things that were changed:

"Fairy Dust" is the only item that can be used on dead pets
Dead pets can be viewed from the graveyard, but you can't interact with them
Discord is now used for chat purposes, since it was kind of messy having two different chatboxes for the forum and main site.

Our discord chat is now embedded into both parts of the site using Titan Embeds (https://titanembeds.tk), so no more keeping two tabs open for the forum chat and main chat! You will see the same messages.

Withdrawing money from the bank should no longer throw an error
The "Pantry Spaces" text in the pantry should no longer float into the table

09-22-2017, 07:57 PM
There hasn't been an update here in a while, but contests should be good to go starting on Monday (the 25th). I'm working now and over the weekend on possible prizes and refining the system and such, like making sure the cron jobs actually run ._. (that was the problem with seasons for a while) This is the schedule that will run weekly:

Mon-Thur: Registration Open
Fri: Registration Closed (Withdraws still available)
Sat: Contests Run
Sun: Contest Results

09-25-2017, 07:24 PM
It's out! You can now access the contests page from the "town" section of the menu. Best in Show is the only contest available right now, since we don't have enough users to have multiple types yet; and people would technically win by entering empty contests, which shouldn't be. Residence and the like will come later too since, once again, it would need more users than we have now to work properly.
Make sure you enter your best pets! Best in show judges from all the stats combined.
Training needs another day or two to be refined, but remember that you can currently breed for better stats!

09-27-2017, 09:15 PM
Want to help? Now you can!

Link: http://foodbabs.x10host.com/team
Through this page you can submit an application for a variety of staff positions. Since I'm kind of broke, only volunteer positions are available at the moment.

The positions available are:

Programmer (Mysidia PHP)
Programmer (CSS)
Game Designer (Javascript)
Game Designer (HTML5)
Marketer (Spread the word!)

10-09-2017, 08:33 PM
There are some very special hybrids coming this month!
These hybrids will be obtained only by crossing outside of the same breeding class. For the month of October, they will be freely available through breeding. They will be rare, and you'll most likely end up with a little frankenstein failure. (but you'll see those when the update comes out...)

Once this month is over, the normal breeding rules will return and you won't be able to obtain them without a special item only available from the gem shop. There is no exact release date yet, but my current ETA is this weekend. Hope you're all looking forward to it!

In other news, the profile page has been redone!
The only thing missing is a list of the user's pets and friends, and the ability to post messages on the wall, but it is otherwise functional and better than what I had before.

10-14-2017, 03:48 PM

These are the 4 special hybrids available through breeding during the month of October. Once October has passed, you won't be able to breed for them again without a special item. Don't fret though, next weekend we have another update coming your way! Users will be able to try their luck (at the expense of a few FoodDollars...) once a day to obtain a random egg, even breed-only and season-exclusive eggs! The rarer an adoptable is, the less likely you are to get the egg.