05-08-2012, 10:51 AM
XP So i've been lurking for ages and stuff.
My site is finally just about ready to start telling people and stuff.
It won't be ready for ages, but ah well. It's a lot readier than it was last month. :B
Boring story bit
Welcome to Erosea
Murmurs have been spreading through the world on traveller's lips of Palohmol sightings - messengers of the gods with the power to change Erosea. If these rumors are true then it means change is coming, and it's usually not good.
Whispers say the Palohmols appearances are related to the creation of the Saviours.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of species of Dziraga in Erosea. Ranging from the deep-sea Aqualla, the deadly Orpolvor and to the docile Tak they can be found in every corner of the world.
Most are harmless to the humanoids or easily managed while the rare few with the ability and inclination to wipe out whole towns and cities are not tolerated.
Easily the most famous of these is the Infernus. Giant red beasts that can grow to the size of mountains used to live in Erosea. Their ability to breathe fire meant they were seen as dangerous and hunted. Infernus were blamed for any fire, from volcanoes to forest fires to burned bread and so were eradicated. The few remaining Infernus fled to the Burned Lands and still remain there.
A group of humanoids have decided to attempt to bring the Infernus back from the brink of extinction, not wanting such a beautiful creature to die out.
By travelling across Erosea and aquiring certain items, a way into the Burned Lands can be found. Once inside the Saviours need to find the Infernus and ask them to breed with similar species, thus partially saving the Dziraga.
The only problem is, the Infernus don't want to be saved.
So yeah in Erosea you can adopt all sorts of different creatures and the aim is to (eventually) travel all over the world adopting stuff and doing quests and exploring and gaining items so you can get into the Burned Lands and have a chat with some massive scary fire-breathing dragons. :smile:
There will also be other things to do like go digging for fossils which can be 'summoned' into primal adoptables, all big and scary. :catfish:
At release there'll be around...25 adoptables of probably 7 different species. There's 10 different countries to explore through and if it ever reaches a point where absolutely everything has been done there's several other continents that could be travelled to with their own problems. :O
XD I'm all on my own (and I can't code ;o; or draw ;o;) so it won't be ready for ages.
If anyone wanted to help with coding stuff that would be pretty awesome. >:
I don't really have anything I can offer in return though~
Adoptables: 5/??? (species)
Items: 7/???
Features: 0
Excavation: 0%
CSS: 90%
Map: 30%
Landscapes: 3/???
Explorations: 5%
Quests: 5%
Forum: 40%
Terrible unfinished site preview (http://i50.tinypic.com/2rzf85e.png)
Common Kolit stages (http://i44.tinypic.com/wj757r.png)
World map (http://i49.tinypic.com/35inf2x.png)
Hatchling Elemental Kolit
Aqualla Egg
The Grassplains:
My site is finally just about ready to start telling people and stuff.
It won't be ready for ages, but ah well. It's a lot readier than it was last month. :B
Boring story bit
Welcome to Erosea
Murmurs have been spreading through the world on traveller's lips of Palohmol sightings - messengers of the gods with the power to change Erosea. If these rumors are true then it means change is coming, and it's usually not good.
Whispers say the Palohmols appearances are related to the creation of the Saviours.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of species of Dziraga in Erosea. Ranging from the deep-sea Aqualla, the deadly Orpolvor and to the docile Tak they can be found in every corner of the world.
Most are harmless to the humanoids or easily managed while the rare few with the ability and inclination to wipe out whole towns and cities are not tolerated.
Easily the most famous of these is the Infernus. Giant red beasts that can grow to the size of mountains used to live in Erosea. Their ability to breathe fire meant they were seen as dangerous and hunted. Infernus were blamed for any fire, from volcanoes to forest fires to burned bread and so were eradicated. The few remaining Infernus fled to the Burned Lands and still remain there.
A group of humanoids have decided to attempt to bring the Infernus back from the brink of extinction, not wanting such a beautiful creature to die out.
By travelling across Erosea and aquiring certain items, a way into the Burned Lands can be found. Once inside the Saviours need to find the Infernus and ask them to breed with similar species, thus partially saving the Dziraga.
The only problem is, the Infernus don't want to be saved.
So yeah in Erosea you can adopt all sorts of different creatures and the aim is to (eventually) travel all over the world adopting stuff and doing quests and exploring and gaining items so you can get into the Burned Lands and have a chat with some massive scary fire-breathing dragons. :smile:
There will also be other things to do like go digging for fossils which can be 'summoned' into primal adoptables, all big and scary. :catfish:
At release there'll be around...25 adoptables of probably 7 different species. There's 10 different countries to explore through and if it ever reaches a point where absolutely everything has been done there's several other continents that could be travelled to with their own problems. :O
XD I'm all on my own (and I can't code ;o; or draw ;o;) so it won't be ready for ages.
If anyone wanted to help with coding stuff that would be pretty awesome. >:
I don't really have anything I can offer in return though~
Adoptables: 5/??? (species)
Items: 7/???
Features: 0
Excavation: 0%
CSS: 90%
Map: 30%
Landscapes: 3/???
Explorations: 5%
Quests: 5%
Forum: 40%
Terrible unfinished site preview (http://i50.tinypic.com/2rzf85e.png)
Common Kolit stages (http://i44.tinypic.com/wj757r.png)
World map (http://i49.tinypic.com/35inf2x.png)
Hatchling Elemental Kolit
Aqualla Egg
The Grassplains: