View Full Version : Addons/Mods Graveyard

  1. Higher Levels - up to level 12!
  2. [SEO]Increase your search rankings!
  3. [In Development]Edit account
  4. User list
  5. Currency for leveling up / Adoptable shop (Fixed again)
  6. Freezing adoptable development
  7. Rename adoptables (Security issue fixed!)
  8. Page that will display a user's pets (non layout destroying update)
  9. Prevent people making multiple accounts
  10. Show who recently leveled up a given adoptable
  11. Mod Template - Information for Mod Creators of the Adoptables Script
  12. Modification Out-Dated New one will be added.
  13. Change the MyAdopts.php page!
  14. My Adopts Page
  15. A quick Profile Add-on Modification
  16. A basic Integrated Forum
  17. A Enhanced PM System.
  18. Integrated Forum V 2.0 -Released!- *Old Version*
  19. Choosing Adoptables Type [EASY ADOPTABLES SCRIPT ONLY]
  20. [Mod] Add a chatroom to your adoptables install.
  21. Adopts News
  22. YouTube Gallery -Non Donator Edition-
  23. BBCode
  24. warning system
  25. Quick Search
  26. Cash System
  27. Extra click
  28. Mod: Currency
  29. Event Notices & Users Online
  30. Small Signaturefix for Proboards-forums
  31. Sea's Cash mod addons [released]